That's the message I read on the back of an order of fries I bought last night. Of course, at the time all I was thinking about was eating my Arby's but later on I got to wondering just what would be inappropriate times to let your mind get distracted with thoughts of Arby's.
I wonder...
But it's no fun if I do all of the pasting, so join in!
^Click for big^
Find a situation you think would be inappropriate for Arby's, slap on our favorite 10 gallon hat and show it off for everyone!
Nov 15 2007, 4:40 am
Nov 15 2007, 5:53 am
I don't get that last one. I'll do this when I get home!
I think Arby's all the time. Its like, my favorite food.
Mmmmm. Most of those pictures remind me of me. |
Dead_Demon wrote:
What's the dude thinking in the last picture? Pussy. >_> It's the bottom of two arby's hats together to look like a clitoris. |