Its a Bleach/Naruto Fusion game that is currently Rank 3 in the anime guild. You can see my review of it here:
Its a PDF, and my overall rank was 25/65 or 38%
Nov 12 2007, 3:42 pm
Although, Dan and I don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things and we've clashed swords a number of times I don't see a problem with reviewing games. The only people that will be upset by these reviews will likely be people that have a reason to. In other words, there will be an inherent flaw in the game that is pointed out. Emotional responses are usually a dead giveaway.
And, people can always go ahead and review GOA, because it isn't flawless by any means. |
Grahf wrote:
Although, Dan and I don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things and we've clashed swords a number of times I don't see a problem with reviewing games. The only people that will be upset by these reviews will likely be people that have a reason to. In other words, there will be an inherent flaw in the game that is pointed out. Emotional responses are usually a dead giveaway. I never said GOA was, however so many people get so fussy about me that its now going to be hard for me to take critisism to heart. |
I'm not saying that you did claim that it was flawless. It's a slight step above mediocre, as far as content is concerned.
GOA, relative to the other Naruto games it's superior, because it isn't GM reliant; although, I disagree with the notion of not having any GMs, as far as cheaters are concerned, because of my personal experience as a GM. I'm pretty sure that other experienced GMs, like Trohan and William would agree with me here, as well. It isn't even focused around the cheaters themselves, because they'll most likely keep on cheating, but it's to crush the impetus to cheat. The training system is nice in concept, but in reality, it doesn't quite add up, because it's a grind like any of the other anime games. It's a good foundation to work from, but right now it doesn't stand out. Also, fighting in itself isn't the best training method seeing as you'll want to keep your chakra and health, as close to full as possible when raiding, etc. A lot of people are bashing the game, because they know you'll react to it and you haven't exactly made too many friends on the BYOND member page. Realistically, you should just take the criticism and put it towards making the game better rather than worrying about mostly biased views. You called sHiNoBi members troublemakers, but we usually want things fixed and balanced more than anybody else, because we can see potential within a game. |
Just tellin' my point of view.