Guns:(Zomg Html code!)
Double Barrel Shotgun, this was the original gun on AVS. It has 2 rounds in the barrel, shoots slow, and has to reload often, but you can hit more than one target at a time, and it does more damage than other guns.
Colt 45, the second newest, it has 12 rounds in its barrel, and shoots the fastest(So far). It does the least damage, and only can shoot one target at a time, but is very good when running away/at 1 vampire.
Magnum .357, the newest, has 6 rounds in its barrel, and packs a big punch, almost does as much as the double barrel shotgun, but has the worst recoil time.
Roads, yes I added sick arse roads(Only using 3 colors!), so you know what that means for the future...(YES CARS!!!).
Houses Added a bunch of wooden houses to the game, that look like the houses in the movie. They provide support, though vampires can open doors.
Factory, I added the huge metal factory in the movie for the game as the ultimate hideout, with two sets of doors to hide from vampires, and double cased walls. It is also stocked with some good weapons, survivors, and flashlights/lamps. It is also home to something I will tell you about later... The generator!
I made the map as close looking to the real map of Barrow Alaska as possible(Using Google Maps). Though in the game we call the town Borrow Stone.
Effects/Light Sources/Obj's
Lighting fixed, with a lil help of ShadowDarke's dynamic lighting library, I added insane lighting details, with obj's such as lamps, flashlights, and outside world to help you see/not see. I added the spill light from doors and windows, and made snow only happen outside(instead of covering the world).
Flashlight, The original and only light source at first, a little flashlight that you cuoldnt pick up, just on the ground that would flicker, is still here! Im going to make it able to be picked up soon, just fixing some bugs with it.
Lamp, The new light source, can be used for picking up, which greatly increases your range of light, or put it on the ground say near a door, to check if anythings outside.
Street Lamps/Generators, The coolest thing i've added. Real working streetlights that are connected to generators. The generator has a electricity life, which it gives to all the street lamps in the map. It slowly runs out of power, which makes the lights on all the street lamps soon dim and go away, or can manually be shut off by a switch on it, or destroyed by vampires. The lights at first give off a huge amount of light, and before they have no light, barely any at all. I am making batteries to recharge the generator(For players). and this will be one of your most important life lines in the game, LIGHT!
Here is a screenshot of the lamp(which has dimmed from full light), all the guns, the lamp, the factory, and the generator.