Recently I've come to a point where I have to use the newer version of dream maker to work on icons..and I never mess with it so if anyone can help me out by answering a few questions it'd be a great help.

1. Is there anyway to colorswap all the frames in one go like there used to be...In the old dream maker you could click the colors on the side..and select the color and then it would change them all in every frame.

2. Is there anyway to change the background to one solid color instead of the ol' blocky transparency.

3. Enlighten me about the alpha slider a bit more...

Thanks for reading.

P.S. New Propaganda post

1. Is there anyway to colorswap all the frames in one go like there used to be...In the old dream maker you could click the colors on the side..and select the color and then it would change them all in every frame.

2. Is there anyway to change the background to one solid color instead of the ol' blocky transparency.

3. Enlighten me about the alpha slider a bit more...

1.No, but they should really think of adding it.

2.Thats what I hate the most but its staying like that, sometimes is comes use full.

3.its instead of making a barrier you can add one color and change alpha saves a lot of time and effort.
*edit* Cheetoz you're a lifesaver.
there is a way to color swap for every frame.

yes you can change your background color, same way you color swap.

pick your color, slide the little thingy and use whatever tool you want for your pixels.

I think it's in Colors > Edit Pallete, and the mask should be the first entry.