My poor car!

I really think that deer should think it through before committing automotive suicide. Some of us have work we have to get to in the morning.
My dad almost hit a deer last week, which is very weird since that's the only deer seen in the area and it's not wild there at all o.o

I feel your pain about a car being damaged from an animal though :(
So did the deer die? Because I've seen much worse done and a deer just get up and walk away.
One of his legs was completely snapped, so if he isn't already dead, he will be soon enough.
Our school bus hit a deer once and completely cut it in half.
I don't think it walked away afterwards.
300 pound deer? where the hell you from?
Well that sucks. We have to be particularly careful about driving at night around where I live. There's always, always deer running around.
My condolences for your loss, Danial. :(

Hazman wrote:
Our school bus hit a deer once and completely cut it in half.
I don't think it walked away afterwards.

I have no idea how much deer are supposed to weigh, really. It was just a guess. It was a nice sized buck though.
Count your blessings; that's actually a very small amount of damage for a deer collision -- but that's probably due to the driver's skill and reaction speed, ne?

One of my irrational fears whenever I drive in the back o' beyond is coming around a bend and encountering a deer, then being decapitated when the bumper takes out its feet and its body tears off the canopy. My other two irrational fears are having a coffee mug shatter when I pour hot water in it, and having myself get a punctured lung due to tripping and falling on a fork.
Yeah, skill and reaction speed indeed. I was actually in a 45mph zone, but it was a straight section, so I got to see him jump on the road in time to brake. I hit him at about 25mph or less(not something that was easy to check at the time). He did do a flip coming off my hood(in front of of the car).
Deer arent 300 pounds though, one dropped dead in front of my house and i had to lift its rotting body into the back of a truck :(
Deer range on average around my house at around 190 pounds. Up about 100 miles north they average 210 pounds. So I figured you was just very far north of me.. :-/
Nah, I live in North Carolina(There's a map on my album). I don't know weights of deer because I've never been hunting or had to move a deer. I just know they are large animals, and it was a rather large buck, so I took a guess.
It's not that bad. My buddy hit a Cow(yes, he kind that goes moo and destroys the Ozone). Needless to say, the car was totaled, and we had some damn good steak that week.

Eat More Beef

If I was driving that car, I probably would've steered towards that cow. Stupid, stupid animals. =P
Haha, my friend hit a deer in a rental car and flipped it.