1. When choosing a name, do not pick something from a popular anime, video game, movie, or comic book. Also, please avoid using the names of celebrities or anything with numbers or symbols in it. Additionally, we would appreciate it if you chose a name that could loosely function as a name. For example, something like KillerZX or Destroyer would not function as a name since they are more like titles. Also, if someone else already has the name you want, deal with it. If you pick a name that is similar to one that is already taken, then your name will be changed. Please consider this before you create your character, otherwise a GM will change your name.

2.It's not required to roleplay EVERY attack or action, nor is it required to type out huge paragraphs every time, but we ask that you RP before and after attacking/killing another player.

3.Attacking people without a good reason is frowned upon, especially if they are members of your class.

4.Don't always try to be a hero. The world needs villains too. Rp your character as it would be in the game, and try to keep the balance between heroes and villains...

5. Try not to become the main character or the "daring hero that saves the day." It kind of ruins it for everyone else.

6. DO NOT GOD MOD! God modding is when you force the reactions of other players.