Fallen Productions is the name of the game, it's a bleach game of course.
It's runned by Buring(Me) and Terror, which we are both owners.

Our other coder, of course which we had and like, seems to be going slow now, we are now looking for new coder(s), of course our old coder will still be working with us if he wishes, but we feel the need to bring in another coder or coders.

Also, iconners ^^
Pleased to have you and pleased to see your work.

Our MSN's. This is mine, always on ^^ This is Terror's msn, we are both online mainly all day,

Now please!
If your looking to work with us, make sure your commited to this, and for iconners, we would like to see a sample of your work ^^ Of course we give you time to make it, if done early well that's great ^^ We will tell you what we wish to see a sample of unless you have a sample ^^ That's even better.

And for coders, well please be committed and serious about this. ^^

Thank you
~ The Fallen Production Team
You can't have my coders or iconners. They are all mine!

Besides, you would probably pour bleach on them if I lent them to you.
GoodDoggyTreat wrote:
You can't have my coders or iconners. They are all mine!

Besides, you would probably pour bleach on them if I lent them to you.


Although it would do nothing. I'm already as white as a ghost. And I'm my own Iconer and Coder.
GoodDoggyTreat wrote:
You can't have my coders or iconners. They are all mine!

Besides, you would probably pour bleach on them if I lent them to you.

It was a typo, I stayed up for to long and wrote this at the wrong time of night, and my spelling wasn't that good.
It was meant to be
My my, well i suppose that is what i'd expect from most people.In anycase we are merly seeking help with a game that we are trying to make our own, if you cannot or will not comply to this request then please dont bother posting usless comments
SoulSlayer25825 wrote:
My my, well i suppose that is what i'd expect from most people.In anycase we are merly seeking help with a game that we are trying to make our own, if you cannot or will not comply to this request then please dont bother posting usless comments

^^ See, Terror-sama knows how to do this stuff ^^
Haha :)
yo burning its me dragonfire.

i dunno if terrors told you but he said that i can be the iconner.

As for terror,
have tried to get in touch with you via email and your not replying so im trying this way.
i have done attack one and have just started attack two for the inner hollow base.
just to keep you informed.
please can you send some sort of email or post to tell me what to do next.

SoulSlayer25825 wrote:
My my, well i suppose that is what i'd expect from most people.In anycase we are merly seeking help with a game that we are trying to make our own, if you cannot or will not comply to this request then please dont bother posting usless comments

....The useless idiot Above ish annoying >.O and Burr... START HOSTING FALLEN (Terror is Hitler and other games are the Jews x.x...oh and me and the others are Against Hitler and Buring is Edward (FMA xDDD))

Tk if anything YOURE hittler, you have idiotic idea's and think's everyone should follow them(which incase you didnt know is what hittler did), to which he will host the game when you learn to respect staff more