So, I turn on my 360 to play a few games of Halo 3, and what message do I get?
"Your gamertag name has violated the service agreement. You are required to change your gamertag." or something similar to that.
My gamertag name? CortanasBoohole.
Is there anything offensive about the name? I didn't think so, and neither did the XBOX Live customer service. But, they said that their servers picked up on Boohole as an "offensive name". I've had the darn thing for 7 months, and NOW it wants to say, "Hey, I don't like that name!"
I talked to a supervisor, and he said the computers didn't like the word Boohole, and said they couldn't do anything. Angered, I tried several different names, all of which were blocked or didn't fit the color purple. And I'd be dead before I change my spartans color from purple. Then, an idea struck me.
I changed my name to KortanasBoohole. And it worked, and that is my current gamertag.
Any idea why it won't let me have CortanasBoohole?
I'm gonna call them back up tomorrow and demand my old name back, KortanasBoohole looks stupid and stuff. Not like CotanasBoohole, which looks nice.
Nov 6 2007, 5:01 pm
Nov 6 2007, 5:10 pm
lol bumhole
Rinkuu wrote:
lol bumhole Boohole, my good friend. Boohole. It can be whatever you want. A pony, a unicorn. Your sister, aunt or uncle. A half dead kitten or another Sun. Sky is the limit with the Boohole. |
Any idea why it won't let me have CortanasBoohole? If you do a Google search, it seems "Cortana" is the name of a character from the Halo games. Try a fictional character created before 1927 to avoid copyright infringement. Yeah, it's stupid, but I don't make the rules. |
Gughunter wrote:
Any idea why it won't let me have CortanasBoohole? No, Cortana is useable. They told me Boohole was a blocked word, but by changing CortanasBoohole to KortanasBoohole, it let me get away with it. I could have made myself Cortana[insert word here], the suggestion maker gave me a few Cortana names. :\ Why is CortanasBoohole blocked? |
Make it CortanasBoothole.
Actually, you'd probably get in more troubly for that. I don't get why they pluck you out when everyday I see people with things like A55R4P3R for a name. |
It has to do with Halo, therefore you are treading on unsafe waters. Considering that Halo 3 came out not too long ago they probably lied and said boohole was picked up as a bad word to keep from saying they don't want you making fun of their characters.