Yeah, so I don't know if you've ever seen one... but most video wedding invitations are massive travesties that make a person cringe so hard that they bleed.

My fiance Becca and I are getting married this December. With the past failures of humanity in mind, we made our own video wedding invitation

Congratulations! Nice video ;)
I lol'd.
Wow, that was a really good video. That's an awesome day for a wedding, too - my niece is turning 2 years old that day.
What? I like waffles!
I love waffles too
Wait, so can I come?
Since I saw this video, I assume I am invited.

Just like the hundreds of people on Youtube you just invited!

You'd better make alot of waffles, because I eat like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.
waffles taste good for breakfist...
Thanks for the invite! You realize that having shown the Sign of Power ("Open Bar") you cannot rescind it now. May God have more mercy on your soul than I shall have on your open bar.
I think your wedding would make an awesome BYOND members round up! Anyone up for a road trip?
Gughunter wrote:
Thanks for the invite! You realize that having shown the Sign of Power ("Open Bar") you cannot rescind it now. May God have more mercy on your soul than I shall have on your open bar.

Haha, good call! When Becca started planning the wedding, the only thing that I told her was a *must* for me was an open bar.

Hey, anyone who is wiling to come and get drunk and make a scene has an instant invite in my book. What's a good wedding without memorable awkward moments, drama, and maybe a huge brawl?
Just a wedding, that's what it is, Silk!
You must have waffles too.
Also, address please.
Dec. 15 - Spokane, WA. Got that down in my iPhone. Boy will I be there.
Worldweaver wrote:
Dec. 15 - Spokane, WA. Got that down in my iPhone. Boy will I be there.

lol... just flash your iPhone at the door. Anyone packing an iPhone definitely gets let in, regardless of whether or not they are on the guest list.
SilkWizard wrote:
Hey, anyone who is wiling to come and get drunk and make a scene has an instant invite in my book. What's a good wedding without memorable awkward moments, drama, and maybe a huge brawl?

I can get drunk and sing The Nadrew Song with you!
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