Okay, waht I have done now is, hired some more peeps, and did some more crap.
Staff List:
Menzu Namiaru(Bakasensei):
Rank: Owner
Job: GFX, Pixel Art, and Code
Rank: Co-Owner
Job: Idealist, Mob-Artist
Rank: Staff
Job: Weapons/Clothes Artist
Rank: Staff-Pending
Job: Building Artist
Stuff I did:
Added some stuff for example of what to come. I finished the clothes set for a person with a jacket, and its moving states. I finished the login screens. I made flashlights as lamps throughout the game(For light). I made one example weapon, shotgun, which you can grab, and drop, and shoot. What shooting does was just an example of the light effects, when you shoot you can see everything on your screen, instead of there being pure black spots that you cant. Finished the main tile sets. Shadow sent a bunch of weapons for use. I made a base state for holding light/heavy weapons and walking with them. Here is a screenshot showing the sexy map, flashlight light effects, shotgun on map, and the characters new base.