Well using byonds transparency, I made some Shades that I'm now using for night and day references. Here is an example of night(Thats all i've made so far with them)

Though you can tell they are usefull(for say like flashlights and such).
And here is the games gif I made ^^
looks good, maybe try and blend them together more?
Its in coding(so its impossible really) but I think they look okay like that
What do you mean by, "It's in coding, so it is impossible?"
Like the shading is coded in(there is icons) its not like I placed the icons on the map, like where ever you move determines the shading, and im happy with it xD
I'm guessing you're using ShadowDarke's, Dynamic lighting. So in order to change the shades all you do is change the icon.
No im not actually(XD) I made my own with the transparency, and right now I only ahve it for night and day, there is no real shading behind things like opacity. Though that is a good idea to use shadowdarke's i'll try it out and see which ones better.