Does anyone else think that the latest round of iPhone Ads sucks? Yeah, me too.

If you like what you see, then go here and digg it.

Here is the parody of the Bryce Ad:

And here is the parody of theElliot Ad:

Damn you Silk, making me laugh. Now I need to wash the Pepsi off my keyboard. I prefer the Bryce ad parody, if only for the line "They were being facetious."
I have to say I prefer the second one, the Bondage Porno bit was hilarious.
Haha! That was pretty hilarious.
Wow, those were both really good.
Very good!

IMHO, the cuss words break the conceit (to use an artsy phrase) of them being actual TV advertisements. But they're still funny.
I think that's half the point. They are supposed to be a slightly more realistic reaction to a far more fake situation. Almost like he took what the iPhone commercials did and reversed it.