You're all idiots.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to preserve my fragile ego?
Do you know anything about the trials and tribulations I go through every day of my life so as to avoid anything negative about myself?
Have you ever stopped to think about hard it is for people like me to leave peacefully without hearing anything contrary to our thoughts and feelings?

Free speech is bad enough already- this new, yea/nay method of person expression is just one more thing for me to deal with in my already stressful, opinionated day.

Next time just think before you bitch about something you don't know anything about, okay?
In all honesty, if it's meant to be a kind of vote-to-ban/hide system, I suppose it can be mandatory.
Here's an idea: the top rated post of the week might be displayed somewhere on the main members page (on the left or right).

Or maybe there could be a list you could access of the week/month's highest ranked posts, so you could check out what is going on/what is popular at the moment.
that's the spirit
I'm drawn towards it.
Its all well and good since you can hide it but i think that should be an option when your are adding a post since one day you might actually want it.

I like Elations idea.
Best CSS ever.
I want to babymake with you.
elation i love you
I yea'd.