![]() Oct 25 2007, 8:11 pm
Thanks, I'll read it.
Unfortunately, he is also caught up in the whole religious thing, but not to the degree that the others are. I also don't like the fact that he gives the 9/11 Truthers the time of day... I would completely forsake him for this if he hadn't already come out and said that he doesn't believe their message. For some reason he's also against abortion rights, which is entirely contrary to the rest of his message. Oh well. I just wanted to point out a few things you may have missed: Ron Paul has his own personal beliefs about religion and abortion, but if it's not in the Constitution, then it isn't the federal government's job to regulate it in any way. Ron Paul wants to return the abortion issue to the states and overturn Roe v. Wade (as by The Sanctity of Life Act). Having delivered 4000+ babies, RP is personally pro-life, but since violent crimes are handled by states, abortion (whether illegal or not) should be and would remain a state issue. That is, of course, unless the people wish to pass a Constitutional Amendment allowing the federal government to regulate abortion. He really doesn't support the 9/11 Truth movement at all. I think the reason Truthers flock to Ron Paul is because they feel he's the farthest removed from the CFR + Bilderberg and because he hasn't completely ruled out a re-investigation of 9/11. There was one video circulated on YouTube showing RP shaking hands and talking briefly with a Truther in a crowd at a campaign event, but Ron didn't make the connection until days later when confronted with his supposed "support" of the Truth movement. The fair and balanced media played it up, as you can imagine. And he really doesn't give them the time of day, as I saw first hand. =) I was privileged enough to see Ron Paul in person after the last debate at a rally in Orlando, and he ignored the idiot who shouted "9/11 was an inside job" during his 20-minute speech. Vocal Truthers really do more harm than good for the campaign... Anyway, glad to hear your endorsement. And if you'd like to help the campaign locally, search meetup.com for your local Ron Paul meetup group. |
Heh, that reminded me of the South Park episode where the KKK come to town to protest any change to the offensive flag. If only Ron could get them to somehow back the others instead.
What about the kid born with a mental disability because his mother was a crack head? does that poor kid whos parents are flakey and useless deserve to have a life without opportunities? Or the 60 year old man who spent his life working has the money to retire but goes bankrupt because he has a really bad heart attack? There are so many people deserving of a helping hand from their fellow man and people like you let attrocities go on. And yes if your country has the most money then it should play the biggest part in global cooperation and stabilization. Its in everybodys best interests for the world to be stable and it will allow everybody to be better off. And yes you went to school for 4 years congrats, hard working and all. Too bad if you were born in a ghetto going to public schools and you have to support your siblings because your deadbeat father left your mom. Yeah something like that could come up and you probably wouldnt have been able to go to school. Not everybodys life is as convenient as yours, it costs you so little to contribute to taxes enough to help out the few who really have it worse than you. Way to be a dick about it.