any one wish to send me there game to code for them (only bleach or Naruto) and me on
[email protected]
Quaddw wrote:

do u need one coding?
Are you new to byond or something?
no -_-
LOL i smell ripper.
can u code bleach shikai9s and races new stuff for bleach can ya contact me [email protected]
or contact my sis Rinia her real name Nadine [email protected]

Hello??????? Anaswer pwease
Wow how fucking sad excuse my language please. What kind of a idiot are you Lilkondey? First off learn proper grammar! Second no one is going to send you their game's source code.. Your a moron for even attempting it read the damn blue book take some English classes and leave people alone about this kind of shit.
hello lilkondey i wanted to know if i can be a GM on your game DBGT: the new era i would be good for the job bcuz i like helping people and im patient and fair with everyone i also have exp. with being a GM so i wont screw up or anything. Thank you even if i dont get GM
can u plz un ban me from dbgt the new era because of your gms they ban for no reson and would like to get back in the game so can u plz un ban blazzewolf im a gm in your game and the other didnt like me so they ban me thanks
um i got an good source try my naruto game its really cool
Can I be a GM on DBGT the new era I am very responsible, I am on all the time the game is running, I currently help people a much as I can, I will enforce the rules with no exceptions, and I would like the oppertunity to be a GM for a great game to help it get cleaner.
I need a coder for a bleach game but with custom stuff but i would also like it if i could get the basic stuff for myself