Once again there are new features to announce for the Web site, so let's get started.
First, members now have greater control over the files they've uploaded. When managing files you can create a new directory, so you can keep files organized in paths. Files can only be listed from the main directory for now. Renaming files (and/or moving them) is now possible too.
One of the biggest new changes is that you can now vote for posts: Is it good, or bad? You make the call. This will later play a more important role in what you see on the site, but for now it's a great way to show others whether a post is worth their time or not.
Another great new feature is the ability to review games. But wait, you say, couldn't we do that before? Yes, but now when you post to a guild, you can actually mark the post as a review for a certain game. When people look at that game, they'll see the reviews for it.
There have been some changes to permission settings for guilds. The guild settings allowing users to submit games, or have those games auto-accepted, have been changed to rank privileges instead. If your guild had these settings turned on, they've been applied to all the ranks in your guild as part of the conversion. Now when people join your guild just to submit games that don't belong there, you can change their rank and totally cut off their ability to contribute to anything but a head count.
In the last update, another guild permission setting went live a bit inadvertently. Deadron had previously set up a system where users could contribute blog posts, but the guild's posting staff would have to approve them before they would appear. Now this too is a rank privilege, so you can set up certain members with the ability to post but have their posts wait for review, while others can post at any time, and some can't post at all. For e-zines, this will be a great way to manage contributions.
Oct 22 2007, 1:09 pm
Great additions. Any way we could get the option to not allow voting on certain posts? I like the feature, but it can be tacky, and would be very annoying in posts where you want feedback, not just a yes or no. For instance, ten people have voted "yea" on this post, yet none of them took the time to say why.
I'm not sure I like the yea nay stuff... I couldn't see any way of directly removing it on the page manager, but you can edit the CSS anyway.
One thing I dislike is the automatically added: "Review for Game by Author".
For one, it doesn't really fit the formatting of the page. Second, it annoys me because I'm always doing a double-take as to whether its saying: "Review for Game, reviewed by Person", or "Review for Game, created by Person". Is there any particular reason why this needs to be added? Also, if you're going to have the yea nay thing, I'd rather it be after the "Posted By" line, so that it doesn't create a whole new line that just looks tacky. (Couldn't you find a better way to put it than yea/nay? Agree/Disagree at least...) |
I'd like the ability to suppress the yea/nay stuff as well...sometimes it just won't apply, or won't fit the nature of a particular blog.
yeah, I like the idea of the yea/nay, but I honestly prefer the way Youtube does it. thumbs up/thumbs down, affecting one number. that is to say, there aren't separate numbers for "yea" counts or "nay" counts, it's just one number which gets + with thumbs up, - with thumbs down.
though this separated way has its merits, too. however, I, too, would like the option to disable these things for an individual post/entire blog. when I post, I don't really post looking to see what people are thinking of me and what I'm saying, and I don't know if I can handle the truth! basically without the option to turn these off, I am forced to be a lot less candid with my blogs, which is something I'd rather have personal control over :] all in all, though, cool update and I like the route Members is taking! :] |
Vort stole the words right out of my mouth. I like the yea/nay idea- just, y'know, not on *my* blog.
It saves me having to make an insulting or sarcastic comment on someone's latest post if I can just have my way with an anonymous, sneaky "nay" vote. =P |
I think the whole point of the yea/nay system is, in the future, to determine whether the community in general approves of it or not. For example, if a certain blog is getting a high number of negative points, then the system could automatically stop that blog from being published on the main page.
Its kind of like a vote-to-ban system. |
The only problem with the Aye/Nay system is that it doesn't always work for what its supposed to.
I can easily see people who hate me simply going through all my blog posts and clicking nay regardless of what my content is, based purely on their personal opinion of me and not my content. This idea of Foomer to auto-ban anyone with enough "negative points" is totally abusable. |
That's probably going to be the biggest problem with any sort of vote-to-ban system - anything controversial is going to get a lot of negative votes just from people who disagree, rather than people who think it shouldn't be on the front page.
EDIT: Err, on another note, is it possible to move files already uploaded in the file manager screen? If so, how? As far as I can see, you can upload stuff into folders, but you can't move stuff around. That would be a handy feature. |
Y'know... I think I once mentionned this before, but for game submissions in guilds... wouldn't it be more respectful to developers if they had a way to refuse that their work gets submitted in guilds they want nothing to do with?
I mean, they made their thing, they should be allowed to have something to say whenever their work gets submitted somewhere without their approval. Or at least, they should be able to toggle such an option. |
Byond won't even load up sometimes, are you constantly updating?
I don't see how you could be, seeing as how I haven't seen anything new lately. |
now wait
whats with the free blog are we just supposed to use it for reviews or are we just able to make nonreview posts for the heckavit |