Keywords: submissions
As the only person who seems to give a damn about the RP guild(even if it is only once a month), I'm making my public duty to announce every game submitted into this guild, along with the idiot who submits the games.

Oh don't worry though, the games that are accepted won't be blasted. Only the ones that shouldn't have been submitted in the first place.

First game on the agenda is a Dragon Ball Z game called: Frontline. This lovely game made by Spartan261(haha I said lovely, isn't sarcasm lovely?), was submited and all I can say is: "Stupid people stick together for a reason, and they have a place. It's called the Anime guild."

Next ont he list is Dragon Warrior: Shadows of Erdrick. This game is fine and all, but it's not roleplaying. It's rollplaying. Read the subtitle, Dpheonix7. You clicked join, you must have the ability to somewhat string 4 letter words together.

Onward! Lilkondey decided(like an idiot), to add his 2 games to the mix. "dbzGTtne", which I'm going to assume is an abbreviation for some sentence and the word garbage, as well as "NarutoGenerationreborn". I think he may have used someone we know's name generator for that one. Seems as thought the idiots that think this stuff up don't even bother choosing DBZ or Naruto, they just name it twice. Hey, if you put out enough hub entries, I'm sure someone will forget what they're joining and click your game, don't worry. Oh, here's a better idea, why don't you call it Naruto's Bleach Dragon Ball. Get all the anime you can in the name, and you'll get all the fan base...

No seriously, go on. Do it...

oh, and when you're done. Don't submit it here.

P.s. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what "kinkyvampire", and "AlagaesiaTrailsofTomorrow" are. I'm removing them, until someone does. Resubmit then and get a hold of me if they're actually roleplaying games.
I check the RP Guild daily, so saying you're the only one who gives a damn about it is just plain wrong. =P
I just realized that this is the third time Mr. dumbassSpartan has submitted DBZ Frontline. Can you say Ban? I can. I won't though, I'll click it instead, better results.
Bipolar Mik. :\
Look at the cool feather I found for the page though!
Don't dodge the issue, Mik. You need help. Step into my office. It's only 1,000 bucks an hour to talk. :)
"Stupid people stick together for a reason, and they have a place. It's called the Anime guild."

Hey, now! Don't judge the entire community by the actions of the minority...few...darnit, nevermind...

Yeah, that is a problem SSGX. I have met a few people from the Anime guild that are respectable. However the other 99% of them ruin it for you.

I'm almost certain this is the case for which the flame thrower was invented. At least you know they swarm.
"Need a light?" --Terran Firebat
Wouldn't it be Seasonal Submission?

Also, kinky vampire sounds fun.
Well, in real life, with a female, anyhow.... ;-P
That's an extra wordplay on Submission right there, James.

I was actually wondering how many people would notice that the two S's were T's.