Wow, I can hardly believe that it's been seven months since the last time I got around to posting on my byond site.
How have all of you folks been?
I really haven't been up to much of anything worth posting about lately, just busy doing some army training or another.
Back in July I finally got my hands on a wacom tablet like I've been wanting for years now. Some four months later I have finally produced some art thats good enough to share with the rest of you good folks.
Sam Wacom 0001.png
That's Sam if you don't know or remember, eventually I will get around to getting my laptop to my desktop and copying over the proper pallets and color schemes. Still it's not to bad a color job from memory. And I have to admit that the gimp is a decent program for graphical work. But its still no photoshop 5.5 when it comes to byond pixel work.
Other than that I have been learning to play the guitar, it's coming along slowly, but it is getting somewhere eventually.
I won the $200 contest for the original game design by default since NO ONE ELSE entered. What the hell people? What the hell. Sadly I didn't win the cash prize since there was no actual competition. And I didn't even get to the coding part of the contest, just the story submission.
On a different subject, has anyone else seen the music video for Serj Tanken's song "Empty Walls"? It is a truly disturbing bit of social commentary wrapped up in a well done system of a down song. I highly recommend it.
Well, thats all for now, I'll try and stay more on top of posting here from now on though.
Later taters
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