
One Truly Pessimistic Report

Well, It's that time again. Another TCM Special Report by me, on this anime-flooded network. Recently, a 6-ish member team have been recruiting/advertising like crazy for a game called "Dragonball Evolution." The problem you ask? There have been almost 10 other games with the SAME NAME. What sets these games apart? Nothing. They were/are all games that became nothing, and are destined to fail. Now, I know we can't stop rips...but shouldn't there be some kindof inactivity filter or something on some of these games? Remove them from the hub or something, deactivate them, unenroll them from the anime guild. Naruto games in production...go for it...keep on making them...but thats the thing...make them...don't halfway do it and then decide you're gonna start ripping. And to people making dragonball games..If it were up to me, I would bar you all from creating these, and let TNN finish his and post it as the only playable one.And people need to quit putting copyright symbols and trademarks and things at the bottom of their FANGAME description. And if that wasn't rant enough...Time to target specific people:

Masterdan: You can't put the word copyright anywhere in your BYOND description if its a I really doubt you actually went out and got copyrights for everything, that's day one stuff...Also you can't copyright that zeta rpgmaker crossbreed thing you call a base icon.

Axerob: You're not gonna stop ripping by posting your billboard on the WOTS description...try the BOTLS description...that seems to be your target audience....But whats with "All Rights reserved"

Bustercannon: Aww...No special benefits for las noches huh? We should rank it only if we love the game and think it deserves to be ranked...and hope the rank reflects the success and quality of the game right?..Pass this message along? okay!.......Buuuuuuuuuuuuulll....You guys just changed it to that to sound more mature because you got beat out by a copy who offered a better start package that topped the charts as soon as it came out...It's quite comical.

SuperSaiyanGokuX: If you carded teenagers getting into a bar you would've been fired by now.

Goditz: I put you last because if the other guys read this then you can just rip off whatever they have.

*Since I've been getting so much hate I would like to point out that I targetted these 3 for a reason.* -IcewarriorX
I just like the fact that I'm the only positive thing in this post.

-You have not contributed, all youve done is shitty overlay graphics for a zeta base, do not act like you are in any position to critisize all those people who have actually built up the top 3 most popular games on byond. You are a moronic shit, you are not right, your opinions only come from the fact that you dislike popular things and wish the over-hyped shit your counting on being released some day will actually be as good as you assume it will be, it wont.

-We enjoy lots of intellectual property rights, in that we do have ownership over our graphics, wether or not you think that is fair, we are guarded under the fairplay copyright laws, and just because we are loosely based off an anime does not mean that our hard work is not in some way in our possesion, indeed it does belong to us intangibly. We are the owners.

-Your a bandwagoning flamebaiting moron, your entire post is just retarded and i hope a few people get lulz even though what you said made no sense.

-GOA got rank 1 for a reason, despite its lack of incentives to rank we got it from quality, BLN is doing the same, sticking to virtuous rank gain, and if everybody did that then you can believe BLN would at least be second.

-GOA, BLN and WOTS ARE byond anime, the rest are rips or dead or not released yet. Get some fucking respect.

-your critisism on the base icon is rediculous and retarded. First off Tye who made this base also did the base for Gekisen which to his horror was widely leaked a long time ago, and now constitutes the base icon for popular games like DBZen (they might have changed it, but when i played it was), Rebirth, and many many more. The higher quality base icon was spread across all zeta rips, and it really pissed him off, so dont disrespect his base icon by comparing it to his last base icon he made, not only did he do a better job this time, but they dont even look similar, fucking prick. Our graphics absolutely demolish anything else youll find in byond. Thats definetly true, find me some examples otherwise, and no i dont mean half baked games that have lots of hype but will never be released. And besides that text on the hub is more meant to prevent noobie game owners from thinking its okay to printscreen all our graphics, i get asked all the time if nbotlsripowner#3015 can rip all my graphics if i get credit. So actually your being retarded.

And to your thing about dragonball games falling apart, why would you make TNN be the exclusion? if anything he is the personification of never going to be done game makers.

Its just funny to see somebody with such a history of band wagoning jump on me so late. For gods sake kid, your entire byond life has been making overlays for the zeta base, you above anybody else should know what the zeta base looks like and that your shitty icons wouldnt fit on GOA, not just because we have more than 3 distinct states but because its been drawn and shaded well.

One last thing, couldnt help but notice the abundance of screenshots for DragonballZen, did you know that Kanak built zen on my dragonball Gekisen's source? yeah, hes admitted to it. :P bitch.

Who am i kidding,. that buster critisism is bullshit. The bleach game that went ahead of them, not only did they have rank benefits, but they made it a big part of the balance of the game. And it was found out to be a wots rip which means BUSTER coded a great deal of the source that your saying "owned" his, Theres a reason BSOC died bitch, because it only had momentum to shoot up to a high rank momentarily. As soon as it fell to number 2 and began its descent the hub was deleted, because it gameplay lacked longevity, BLN has been out for a long time now.. so you cant compare those 2 projects.
Hey, why bash on the guys trying to be mature? If you're bashing on maturity then you're promoting people like Goditz. We don't want to bribe people, sue us.
You know, that statement of yours about dragonball games is alittle too general. By saying that TNN's FoL is the only one worthy of being finished, you've lumped Legendary Goku 10's DBO2 and Goku72/Gozelko's LOTD with the rest of the games you claim to despise. Have you even seen either one of these games? Personally, I feel they're going to give FoL a run for its money if they're finished as well.
Once again, you guys are making extreme judgements based on what little reading you do. Dan, I do not care about dragonball zen..By the way...To anyone reading...I made this post...not Teka...Read the bottom. Also, Dan, you judge based on what the BYOND blogs have on them. Of course I'm not gonna upload my favorite most original icons that I use in icon games for the public to download...And yeah I did know about Dragonball Zen being made with gekisen coding...That's why it's the prime example of what I was trying to make..And I thank you for taking the time to write out something that could've been summarized in a few sentences, thanks for the hate.

*Also Dan could you edit that reply for get too touchy and tend to go off on a rampage when someone gives you the slightest criticism...Just because I'm right about you not having any official/legal rights that you claim to that material..Your entire post was just a hatepost, it was basically an attempt to push blame on me..Or make me look like nothing..There were some OK points in there..but it had nothing to do with the topic..Set an example...At least edit all the cursewords in it..This is "rediculous".

*Also Rugg: Comment deleted...Sorry..I don't normally do that..It wasn't due to the names you called me or anything, it was that you blamed teka for writing the post..When it was me who wrote it..I don't really want people to think he did..He is a nice guy infact..he never writes any real posts on here though..Feel free to re-post though.
OK. Well. You can't judge by a Team the game is bound to fail. You do not have Psychic powers nub. "OMG I LOOK INTO THE FUTURE AND I SEE GAMES FAILING" how do you know they are going to fail -.-.

Yes. I know there *Was* couple names of "Dragonball Evolution", but I havn't seen a game released WITH that name. So i decided to go ahead.

The icons we are making are Original. You think we're going off Zeta. You should never be saying these things. You should be encouraging people to make original games. NOT GIVE THEM A DAMN LECTURE. You should just better wait for a screenshot.

And Lastly. Just with a Name. How the damn do you know its destined to fail, YOU ARE NOT SOMEONE WHO SEE'S INTO THE DAMN FUTURE. And how is TNN's game only Playable. I know a Couple of Original dragonball games. that are still in development. So just stfu and don't critcise about Original games. Like i said you should Encourage people not lecture about it going to fail.
Well technically my game isn't even playable yet, the way the game works I have to build a really stable and flexible core in order to add things on the fly.

Basically I'm building a game engine, then I'm using that exact engine to build the game, so right now it's not even playable.

I wouldn't say it's destined to fail or never see light though Dan, I have plenty of reason for the time my game is taking to develop. Most real games take years, with a production team, to see daylight. I'm one solo developer trying to mimic the feel of a real MMO within a fan game, I'm not GOA half-assing it just so I can be king of the garbage pile (and you can save that quote).

I don't agree with half of the stuff IceWarriorX wrote, there are many other good Dragonball games arriving on BYOND, but I don't mind being the upside to a downing post.
Storm...I just used you as an example...I could've used a different one but for some reason this name was all over the place...In reality every dragonball name has probably been recycled a thousand times..So sorry if I offended you...Prove me wrong?
The Naked Ninja wrote:
I'm not GOA half-assing it


Goditz: I put you last because if the other guys read this then you can just rip off whatever they have.


I'm not GOA half-assing it just so I can be king of the garbage pile (and you can save that quote).

Who wouldn't?
Apparently Dan has ownership over these graphics o.o...I played GOA for 10 seconds and found at least one ripped icon lol....The bad part about this statement is that it's all fact :(..I love how he reads the first page of my blog and then pretends to know everything about me...That recycled base he uses is oh...maybe 35% original...I'll give him that much.
dotdotdot flame
TNN just gave a handful of pope-level bashing me thinks >_>
GOA isn't as badly made as you guys claim it to be, I mean sure its not the best out there but hey it's better then the other crap people call Naruto games, and besides we all learn with experience, I mean I don't know much about MasterDan, but whats wrong with releasing a game to be the best. I want to release my Harry Potter game before my Survival game in hopes of Developing a fan base for myself in the process, whats so wrong with that?

Meh, FoL is sexy as hell, so uh no comment on that topic.

And just because you own a fan game that is popular that isn't as good as it could be doesn't mean a thing. That's why they're fan games...they have a fan base already. Sure it takes the creativity and some of the hardwork out of it, but hell it can make you better at game design in the process.

All done :)
icewarrior your full of shit. You cant just assume things are ripped, those icons are all original, i oversaw creation of the base because tye who is a fantastic graphic artist who also did our title screens and other graphics is also somebody i know in real life. The base is 100% original your statements are false and has therefor discredited your entire opinion on the matter. So ill cease to address you, you dont know what your talking about your just a shitty halfbaked troll.

To TNN, your epic burn is rediculous, you think its better to hide a game from the public and hype it up beyond what it deserves instead of releasing it as beta and working on it incremently? at least this way my project will SEE the public before being scrapped because your incompetent. It doesnt take years to make a byond project, its BYOND your not making a high scale fucking corporate project, your game will, due to its pathetic pace, be abandoned before seeing the public eye. Besides its apparent that all your hype is based on just simple things like the interface and base icons. I dont see any sign of you being able to code or have a grasp of game design concepts. So maybe your getting ahead of yourself. You dont have any stature to be cocky about until you RELEASE something you tool.

GOA is not half assed, we have to cap the servers because they get way to many people for our hosts, we had heights of over 400 players at once. Thats not caused by half assing anything, theres a reason why things are successful. You better get your head out of your ass and start opening your eyes. Number 1 means something and you dont even have anything to show. Your pathetic.
...Address this then.. Awesome..I can use random sprites from the internet to make my own GOA sprite...weee!
your arguing against the base right? they dont look anything alike.

The hair on the otherhand, was meant to be cloud hair, id be surprised if in fact it was ripped considering the bulk of hair work is making it fit the bases 20+ icon states.

Now ive never seen that sprite, and its obviously a fanmade one. So i dont know where you got it from or if its using GOAs hair or if somebody submitted hair based on an rpgmaker sprite. Regardless the Hair icons are far less stringently checked than something as vital as say the base. Hair are accessory items submitted by pretty much anybody.

Anyway the GOA base and guides to making your own icons to submit have been posted for some time now. Your argument that we ripped the base still hasnt materialized though. index.php?showtopic=166
The cloud hair was the first thing I for the base its like...that common dragonball base (I don't even know where it came from..I'ma say zeta but if you say gekisen more power to you..) filling only the midsection..and those shapes are almost exactly alike...maybe not the top row but theres this site that has alot of stuff that has leaked into BYOND over the past year >.> And I remember that cloud icon from like 2-3 years ago...
IcewarriorX wrote:
The cloud hair was the first thing I for the base its like...that common dragonball base (I don't even know where it came from..I'ma say zeta but if you say gekisen more power to you..) filling only the midsection..and those shapes are almost exactly alike...maybe not the top row but theres this site that has alot of stuff that has leaked into BYOND over the past year >.> And I remember that cloud icon from like 2-3 years ago...

The cloudicon hair is immensely similar, but again ive rejected obviously ripped hair and clothing icons hundreds of times. Id be disappointed if somebody would rip a cloud icon hair even though the fun part of a hairstyle is making it and the hard part is making it fit all the states. However no ill have to disagree, you can download the base icon off of the link in my last post, it has way too many states and significantly different shape and movements to be even a derivative of a zeta base. Obviously theres only SO much to do with a 32x32 white person base icon, but to say its derived from the beta base is silly. It has ears, a nose, differently proportioned body, different legs shading etc. I dont see ANY similarities.
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