![]() Oct 15 2007, 3:48 pm
I have the base icon....I did my research before I made those posts...i did my research before I made this blog..I always do...and it'd help if you wanted to make your argument on pager instead of this....rather not flood it with a conversation.
I can't believe you guys are arguing similarities, you can't bash people on maturity and crap when you're killing yourself to prove a point I that doesn't affect anyone. I mean honestly, I doubt Masterdan is going to change all the icons in his game because of a "similarity". Just end the argument.
I'll just give out my two cents, no matter if anyone in this thread gives a damn or not. Oh, and in b4 "Who cares, GTFO!". Now... let's see what we have in this nice little flamefest of a "comments" page... First, the main post: someone who gives out his opinion, along with a little rant, not caring about the negative feedback he'd receive. Thus far, nothing out of the ordinary, if you ask me. Then, the rebuttals: First, we have the classic point-by-point rebuttal. This usually works great... when done without swearing and showing frustration throughout it all, that is!! Any point made in this is automatically mooted by the emo-ness oozing out of it. Then, gone past the one who actually gave out his opposing views respectfully, is the dictator's rebuttal. Dictator, as in "YOU ARE THIS, YOU ARE NOT THAT, YOU CANNOT DO THIS, I CAN SPEAK IN CAPS, STFU!". Sorry, but everyone has his/her own right to express their opinion, even if you think you can tell anyone what to do. Skipping random funny comments... The LOL guy made a smart one. And then, some more point-by-point blended with anger and random insults. So what do I bring to this comments page? Annoying, unproductive stuff, along with general mockery of the situation, that's what! :P (along with unwarranted self-importance...) ...hey, at least I'm honest about it! |
anyway, the base icon is original. I cant always be 100% sure about icon submissions. The cloud hair is fairly suspicious now. Reguardless this isnt even a component of the game that i was a big part of.
I did 100% of the coding 100% of the mapmaking 30% probably of the icons 60% of the icons were done by 2Shea, they are all quality. 10% however while i do have a vast knowledge of rpgmaker, other games and pixel art.. i do miss some plagerized submissions. The turfs, the significant parts of the game fall into 2Sheas category. Things like hair and easy 10 second icons are the ones that are gonna bite me in the ass. And i have no problem redoing them. I would just like to say once again, that my disgust for the constant judging of a games merits based on icons, despite the fact that 99% of my time is spent coding is a complete insult. Especially considering THIS IS BYOND, its never been known for graphics. Why every negative review on GOA is about graphics, despite the fact that we are tiers above average. |
No special benefits for las noches huh? We should rank it only if we love the game and think it deserves to be ranked...and hope the rank reflects the success and quality of the game right? Sounds quite reasonable to me. |
Propaganda wrote:
are we involved in this? Nah...The title just means it sounds like it was meant to be more propaganda page-ish....Plus the word Propaganda is a hater-magnet. |
Masterdan wrote:
blah blah blah... Here's a fun thought, I'm not the one to hype my game, I actually have people that do it for me with their own free will. I simply share certain accomplishments to keep anyone interested assured that I am currently working on the project, but I can enlighten you with the fact that a good chunk of these "hyped" people have actually played a rough demo of my game prior to my graphical updates. I honestly have nothing to prove to anybody, I'm making this game for myself. It's my accomplishment and nobody else's. I'm not trying to compete with anybody or even claim that anything I do is the best, hell I even helped out DBO2 with a color-handling snippet so that they didn't make the same mistake I did early on. I just want to make a game that I would like to play. See I'm not like you, I don't have to prematurely release a lousy game that is somewhat better than the rest, simply to feel I deserve bragging rights. I don't want to brag at all, I just like to share my work and enjoy what I do, so your "I'm better because I quickly released a piece of junk with a candy coating" argument doesn't hold up against me. Having 400 players is a good accomplishment I suppose but as I stated, you're merely the current king of the garbage pile. Just because people flock to your "game" (I used game due to the lack of a better term) doesn't mean it's worth the bull you feed your ego with. I gave GOA multiple attempts and I'm sorry but it sucks. I guess if you have nothing worthwhile to play then it could rub off as fun, personally it's not worth my time. I really don't care what it looks like, or whether or not everything you touch becomes "100% originally yours", this has nothing to do with me. Also, just because I'm making it on BYOND does not mean that I should think less about my design. I don't want to live up to your standard, I'd much rather do the best I can to get this game right, and then release it. It won't take me nearly as long as you think, but I also have other things I enjoy doing as well as game design. Don't think everyone has your momentary attention span, if that was the case then everything would be as low quality as your game. -Love, TheNakedNinja. P.S: Beta means that a game is fully playable with some kinks that need to be worked out, when my game gets there then it will share that title. |
Mmkay...This isn't who can write the biggest essay on how much the other person's game is failing...Buster's actually better than I gave em credit for considering he didn't join in on the flamewar...I should take it down...too bad I never change these..
Haha, Masterdan is still a big headed douchebag.
On the side note, Propaganda will make it's return when Fighters of Legends is out. Well, I hope so. |
FOL will never be released. So luckily propaganda will never come back.
The world is working well. Ill be cocky in my rebuttles, because in all honesty i deserve more respect than i get from you shitbags. However the people who actually know me from my game know that i dont blow my own horn, and that i in fact didnt make this game FOR anybody else. The fact that you think your game is going to be better than mine and acting so sure of yourself is what constitutes you hyping the game. You cant just go around, say that FOL will be better than everything else and that everything else is trash in comparison and then say youve been modest. Common sense please. GOA is my project, i enjoy working on it and i also enjoy seeing others enjoy playing it. You on the other hand just have this project going so you can talk as if your above people who have already established themselves in the community. Ive seen it before, ive been on byond for 4 years now and there are countless nubs like you who claim to be making a revolutionary project, and then they just never come out. (4 years is enough time to write these projects off.) I dont have to argue with you, you think GOA is crap, fine. Your opinion only goes so far, your not a fucking byond celebrity, your opinion only counts as 1 persons. The reason i bring up playercount. we have 1420 members of the forum who are dedicated enough to make a total of 23,651 posts. So basically theres that many people who enjoy the game enough to be retained and post suggestions and comments on the forum on a regular basis. So it doesnt matter if you THINK its half assed or badly made, the public disagrees with you. And ive not used any trickery or backhanded rank exploitations to get this playerbase. So when you get a playable build out, then you can talk to me. Until then please get your head out of your ass. Im sick of you and your negative critisisms when you have no reason to be cocky, theres still no evidence you can code, have any game design skill or creativity. You have an interface, some half assed turfs, a generic base icon (and a bunch of others that are different proportions and therefor will be unrealistic to icon clothing for) and thats actually it. And yes, you are philanthropic for throwing a small library to DBO2, I on the other hand have helped NBOTLS, WOTS, BLN and BSOC in significant ways over the last 5 months of my active time. Ive also helped a bunch of less known rips and nonrips. So dont act like your better than me, i am actually not stuck on myself or my ego.I just know that people like you are wasting everybodys time by building up so much hype with no intention of releasing a finished project. See you in 4 years when you give a big explanation about why you never finished FOL and may come back to it later. Pfft. |
You know...you guys could just write out "you suck" and not write a big essay on why they suck...there is some evidence he can code...I've played fighters of legend..it looked pretty good when i did a review on it ages ago..i think it hasn't been deleted..its a few pages back...I don't agree with some points in the constant arguments you guys are making...but if he wanted to he could've released something by now.
IcewarriorX wrote:
You know...you guys could just write out "you suck" and not write a big essay on why they suck...there is some evidence he can code...I've played fighters of legend..it looked pretty good when i did a review on it ages ago..i think it hasn't been deleted..its a few pages back...I don't agree with some points in the constant arguments you guys are making...but if he wanted to he could've released something by now. Something that would not be as well receipted as GOA and yet took longer to make. Thats my point. He only is able to take shots at me because he wont make his game public. And now that hes run his mouth off he wont be able to release the game because hes put it on a pedestal. |
Xeal wrote:
Haha, Masterdan is still a big headed douchebag. Viva la Bunchistance |
Masterdan wrote:
IcewarriorX wrote: What are you talking about? I am 100% sure that the next Naruto game that actually tries will surpass your game. People will realize, wow why are we playing this heap of shit? Then they will go to the next game. It's like a vicious cycle. Now, Dan, don't be a hater. From what I have seen and heard, FoL already will be better then GOA. I know it's apples and oranges, Naruto and DBZ, but you are both game owners, and frankly Ken kicks your ass. Also, about him not being a BYOND celebrity? Let's see, who has more respect in the BYOND developer community...you know the part of the community that actually can partially function, yeah that's Ken. Like a wise man once said "you're the king of the garbage pile", I just think you're the king of the stupid people. |
Kalzar wrote:
Masterdan wrote: Instead of focusing on what you think, what this stupid developer community thinks. I focus on my community and cater to what they like. Ken is a douchebag, and his project wont ever be released. And yes your basing your beliefs on it beating out GOA on hype and its nowhere near being releasable. My post on how to make a byond game explains why as game owners, Ken is a complete failure. |
Lol Kalzar, owned >.< You should make it your job to own Masterdan, I mean you do it so well. ^^
Well Dan, I won't bother to reflect much in the direction of your retort. It's amazing how you can create a following argument in which every aspect of your post was already covered by that which you are retorting to.
I never said FoL was better than GOA, everyone else did. I simply said your game sucks, and you definitely don't deserve any respect for anything other than making a the best looking piece of junk on BYOND Anime. I honestly don't care about your theory of my game never being public (although it already has for a few sessions). Looking at GOA I would say you don't have the slightest idea about actual game development, especially on BYOND. Just because your game is a piece of garbage and you think that's what makes a BYOND game, does not logically constitute anything. All it shows is that you are at a failure at 1) explaining yourself properly and 2) creating a decent game. By the way I am a BYOND celebrity and a douche bag, I'll openly admit to it. I've also been around this place for 7-8 years, don't judge a person by key age. You know, it's amazing how anytime you write something, you prove more and more that you're an egotistical idiot. Edit: FoL could be released right now and it would be as playable as any other RPG attempt on BYOND, but it definitely wouldn't be where I want it to be, you'll hear about it in my upcoming test in a few weeks I'm sure. |