article from Ron-Paul-Hillary-Clinton-091007.html
Only Ron Paul can beat Hillary, so says Special Contributor, Jennifer Reynolds. Hillary Clinton remains the even favorite to become the next US President.
"All the Republicans I have spoken to would vote for Hillary Clinton if they were not happy with their own party nomination," Tyrone Black of stated. Black is an active member of the Republican party in his home state of New York.
And just as Republicans would be willing to vote for Hillary, so too would Democrats be willing to vote for Ron Paul.
This became a hot button issue here at following Reynolds piece regarding new voting rules particularly with the controversy surrounding New Hampshire.
Jennifer Reynolds article appears below.
One thing that struck me with the Michigan debate the other night was just how afraid all of the candidates seemed to be of Hillary Clinton. They brought her name up over an over. As Joe Dumas writes: If it comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. any of the "establishment" Republican candidates, she wins by default. Ron Paul is the only man who can list numerous supporters who from Independents, to Democrats, to Libertarians, and Undeclareds and that large group of disenfranchised people who haven't voted for anyone in years. Ron Paul draws supporters from all over and as the Democratic leading contenders back away from their promises, Ron Paul appears to be the only viable candidate who will actually end this awful war in Iraq.
Once again for two hours we were subjected to a biased debate put on by MSNBC, CNBC and the Wall Street Journal. The moderators let their favorites go long on nearly every question, came back to them again and again, and even gave them follow up questions. Meanwhile, all of those contenders have campaigns that are on the down slope. The man the people want to hear from, the man who has increased supporters, the man who speaks to the hearts and wallets of the American people, Ron Paul, was given barely seven minutes out of a two hour debate. I don't have the exact figure, but it wasn't much.
Third quarter figures show that Ron Paul's campaign is on the rise. He raised over double what he had in the second quarter, coming in at just over five million dollars. It is funny to watch the pundits try to spin this as a totally shocking figure, meanwhile, the news came as no surprise to the Ron Paul supporters who always knew they were real and not just a few spammers. In fact, the Ron Paul campaign is claiming that they are receiving over 20,000 new volunteer offers a day.
Sadly, once again, the man of the people, the man for the people, was not given much time to speak to the people. As the debates go on, the difference between Ron Paul and the "others" widens. When discussing the Constitutional requirement to go to Congress to get a declaration of war before attacking a country, most of the men on stage said they would have to consult their lawyers or ignore Congress all together. Congress represents us, the people. Congress may not be doing a very good job of it right now, but they are supposed to be our voice in this political process, which is why they have a say when a President wants to go to war. The war mongers on that stage seemed to think that the American people work for them, not the other way around, and had no interest in letting the wishes of the people stand in their way when they want to act.
Only Ron Paul had the strength to to call out the others on the war issue. He said, you don't need to ask your lawyers if you can go to war, you just have to open the Constitution to see that you MUST seek a declaration of war from Congress. This country has become upside down, with the people being there to support the government and the government being free to do anything it likes.
It was quite amusing to hear another common theme among the candidates. I call it the Annie theme. When asked about an economy that is rapidly going down the drain for the poor and the middle class, about the only repeating message was that you have to have hope and believe that the "sun will come out tomorrow." We don't need rosy phrases when we are losing our jobs, we don't need to be told to smile while prices are going through the roof (you try buying groceries these days) we don't need a bunch of people who are doing just fine to tell us not to worry our pretty little heads about things. We need a man who will tell us the truth.
Ron Paul dared to speak that truth in the debate. He spoke about a failing economy, the reason it is happening, and the financial crisis on the poor and middle class. But more than that, he actually had a real answer for it. He didn't speak in pretty little phrases, he spoke cold hard truth. He explained how as our foreign policy spreads further and further across the globe we need to find a place to get all that money to pay for it. That money gets printed out of thin air by the Federal Reserve. The consequences are the same as if an illegal counterfeiter were dumping trillions into our economy: our money becomes worth less and less and prices go up more and more. Oh sure, some folks on Wall Street are doing great because they get the dollars as they come off the printing press before they have lost their value, but as soon as the money begins to circulate, those of us that didn't get sixty million dollar bonuses, start to discover that we work harder and it buys less.
Ron Paul is the only man who seemed to understand what the job of a President is - it is to protect the American people from foreign invaders by having troops on our soil; it is to protect our savings and our livelihoods by having a currency that is worth something; it is to keep the American people safe from prying eyes and to have government be the one that has to let US know what it is doing at all times instead of the other way around. Ron Paul is the only man that believes in the Constitution and would follow it.
The Constitution was written to protect the people from the government, not to give the government unlimited powers. Our founders knew that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and so they did their best to hogtie the Federal Government from taking away our rights and freedoms. All that is slipping away from us and no amount of singing a cheery song will change that. We are not idiots. We know who tells truth and who tells sound bites. Most of the night I would replay the answers over and over trying to find anything that constituted an actual answer. It is amazing how these men are so good at saying absolutely nothing over and over.
Too bad the American people only got a tiny taste of Ron Paul. Once again, we will have to turn to the Internet for the real news and find stories where he is given more than twenty seconds to respond. Once again, we are left clamoring for more information from the man with integrity, the man who actually wants to work for the people instead of figuring out more ways for us to work for him. CNBC had a poll after the debate that asked who won the debate. They pulled it off the Internet after Ron Paul ran away with it with 79% of the vote. Perhaps they were afraid if they left it up their servers would crash will all the Ron Paul Support. And people wonder why Ron Paul doesn't appear to be doing well in polls? The polls he is winning are removed or called unscientific and the scientific polls don't offer his name as a choice. It is hard to do well in a poll when your name is not listed.
Ron Paul offers the only chance to change the course and return to the basics that this country was founded upon. He offers freedom from government interference, freedom from global domination at the expense of those here at home, and freedom from government spying on all its citizens. Isn't it time we got back on track? You have a choice, vote for any other Republican and Hillary Clinton becomes President. Vote for Ron Paul and we return this country to the great land of liberty and prosperity that millions have died to protect. Support the troops by supporting the candidate who receives the most donations by the troops. They want him as President and so should we - unless you are a multi billion dollar hedge fund manager, then you might not be too thrilled with Ron Paul.
Ron Paul is the Thomas Jefferson of our time. The only man for the people, not the corporations, and certainly not for bigger government. He wants to return your money to you instead of giving it all to Washington D.C.
Dare to dream. It can happen. Register Republican today and vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. The government still has to listen us a little, vote for him while a vote still counts for something.
"Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto."
Thomas Jefferson
![]() Oct 11 2007, 8:22 am
It's not too late for Huckabee 08.
Ron Paul has 1) no prayer of reaching a general election, and 2) no prayer of winning one. Republican votes are by and large turned off by his stance on the Iraq war and the war on terror in general, which basically puts him totally out of the running right off the bat. He can't win a primary. But while in a general election some anti-war Democrats might vote for him, he's too out there for most of the center, and many people who remain concerned about the outcome of the war will at least prefer a pragmatist as commander-in-chief--so Hillary would beat him hands down.
Ron Paul vs. Obama, though, would be a freakin' train wreck because it'd be a race to see who could out-kook the other faster on foreign policy. I'd give Ron Paul a chance against Obama in the alternate universe where either of them (let alone both) could actually be nominated. |
I wouldn't be surprised if Obama gets the veep, though.
Yeah, Republicans have married this pig- no way around it. The war is theirs and the party is chained to it. Which is a big reason they went down in the '06 elections and will go down in '08. Worse, the whole idea of fiscal responsibility seems lost as a party plank, as does minimalist foreign intervention. Replacing it is this expansive, authoritarian, militarized War on Terror thing which pretty much relies on fear and unlimited budgets. It's a disaster. The Republicans were willing to give up every ounce of idealogical integrity to get power and they got it. Between the horrific fight and ballot tossing of 2000 and the post 9-11 empire building, the true conservative and libertarian has been pushed out by the power hungry. Incompetent leadership and corruption lead to a failure to exploit any gains and improve anything for future posterity. The Republicans have failed and now the Democrats will take power. How they proceed (and how the Republicans reorganize) will determine if the Republicans rebound back into power, or are marginalized at the next election. This stuff tends to be cyclical, though. It wasn't long ago that the Republicans were crooning about the death of the Democratic party. I have no doubt the Dems will be equally short sighted. |
Actually the war was only the #3 issue at the polls in '06. The #1 issue was corruption and specifically the abuse of earmarks. Republicans spectacularly failed to live up to their own party principles on that, which is the main reason they got the boot. Of course, since the Democrats took over it's been at least as bad if not worse, and Congress's approval rating has been sinking astonishingly low.
All the signs are that earmarks will still be a big issue in '08, but immigration is also shaping into a hot-button topic. On both of those issues, most of the Democrats running have an abysmal record, but most of the Republican candidates are little better. |
If earmarks are the big issue in '08, then Ron Paul's (again) the only one who has a chance.
I'm curious, who do you support, or have you decided yet? It seems you have nothing positive to say about anyone. |
Fred Thompson looks like the only Republican candidate with his ducks in a row. I'm with Fred.
The war encompasses more than just the fighting. Corruption, for example. What do you think fuels that perception. No bid contracts and the perception of out of control contractors don't help. Congressional elections won't whipsaw this election.
Fred has no substance. I predict earmarks will have little to do with the presidential race. While people are concerned with the "economy", they also love their entitlements. The Republicans were the only ones preaching smaller government and then showed they couldn't (or wouldn't) do it. That rallying cry is pretty much dead for 08. Immigration will split the Repubs- another bad sign for them. Even better for Dems, anti-Bush sentiment continues to rise as he takes steps that hurt his own party (hence the continuing distancing by many Republican candidates). I think the Democrats have a really strong position that, barring some major change like war against Iran, makes the election theirs to lose no matter who the Republicans put up from the current batch. FWIW I would go with RP over Hilary in a heartbeat. Hilary will probably be president, but I wish it was Bill coming back instead..... |
Republicans preached smaller government in 1994 and won in a huge midterm upset. And for a short time they made good on those promises, or at least some of them did.
Republicans campaigned in 2006 on the basis of "Reelect me! Just 'cause!" while their base was screaming at them to turn off the fiscal spigot. They lost in a huge midterm upset. Frankly I don't think immigration will split the Republicans; it's their one solid chance to shore up the base and if anyone in the party leadership grows a brain about that, they'll coalesce around it. In the shorter term there seems to be more evidence that the war issue is splitting the Democrats, who for quite a while have been struggling between the extremely vocal left wing of their party and the near-centrists who just don't subscribe to much in the way of Republican ideals. I agree with you on Bill. I'd rather have him back just because Hillary scares the living piss out of me. |
Hilary will probably be president, but I wish it was Bill coming back instead..... Bill is going to be Hillary's "ambassador to the world". I don't really see much difference between them, they are spouses and they have very similar political views(I'd think with politicians the political views of the person you married would be very important). RP on the other hand is way different. Oh dude, there is no way RP is could ever beat Hillary. His numbers are so low that all Hillary would have to do is not make absurdly racist comments or have a sexual orgy or something. Even then she might win. |
I'm a democrat and I don't want to vote for Obama OR Hillary.
I think Ron Paul would have a strong chance of being elected if he could win the primaries but that is really unlikely. Honestly all the likely presidential candidates scare the shit out of me. |
Fred seems good to me, from what little I've seen of him so far. Romney's OK with me too, but then I just like Mormons in general. As for Ron Paul, I'd almost certainly choose him over Hillary.
My favorite choice for President in the 2008 election is still Condoleezza Rice, but alas, it's probably not to be. |