Well recently my girlfriend came back with some new furniture and stuff she rummaged down state when she was visiting her family, and one of the things she came back with was a little plaque for her aunt (who is heavily catholic) with a saying on it that I guess isn't supposed to be funny, but it cracks me up. I literally LOLed when she read it to me the first time, she didn't understand why.
Does anyone else get a chuckle from this? It's not the plaque itself but I found the same saying online.
Oct 8 2007, 4:33 pm
In the words of that cartoon guy from the, I think, Guiness commercials, "BRILLIANT!".
OMG. YOU SADISTIC BASTARD!!!! Lol nah i'm just kidding. I mean i'm christian and all but that was just too funny man! OMG I fell out of my computer chair laughing so rofl. Also I watch a lot of comedies like Family Guy and American Dad and the whole Adult Swim thing. So that made killer laugher lmao.