I've been thinking. There should be more single player games on BYOND. As a matter of fact, there should be a guild dedicated to single-player games. The people on BYOND have good imaginations so I am pretty sure the single-player games will have very nice story lines and ideas. Every single player game BYOND has is good, so that is proof right there.
Popisfizzy asked to start an official single player games guild, but the staff said that at the moment there aren't enough games to warrant it.
Multiplayer games are bettar.
Airjoe wrote:
Popisfizzy asked to start an official single player games guild, but the staff said that at the moment there aren't enough games to warrant it.

I never actually asked to start one. I thought you said how they wouldn't start one and I cracked the joke that I would have control of the guild when it was warranted "at any cost". >_>
I quite like the idea, granted there aren't alot of them, but I think the ones that are there should have a guild of their own.
Squeegy wrote:
Multiplayer games are bettar.

True, but you can never really follow the storyline and/or do certain things that you can do in single-player. People can give away secrets, quests, etc., and you can't spawn certain things for quests that you need without having problems like too many people wanting to do it, but only one can at a time, etc. Single-player BYOND games are extremely fun.
its just SO easy to make them multiplayer. Making a game singleplayer and then making it possible to play your character online would be so bad ass though :P