I'm looking for a new webhost for my websites. My current host, is cheap and fast and all of that... but their email servers are only POP3 (I want IMAP) and outgoing mail gets marked as spam by Comcast, Yahoo and others.

I don't need to find the cheapest webhost out there, just a reliable one with quality email servers. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Actually, I use Google's "Apps for my domain" service for my emails. It's an easy setup, but it doesn't support IMAP either. It's great web-based email, however, so I don't mind it. I'd use GMail over Outlook or Thunderbird any day.

I don't know any hosts that provide IMAP, but I do like dreamhost as a host for my websites, and they may very well provide IMAP.
I think Hyperbyond use something IMAP
Nishiatsu wrote:
I think Hyperbyond use something IMAP

/me just laughs.
Jtgibson wrote:
Nishiatsu wrote:
I think Hyperbyond use something IMAP

/me just laughs.

Data said something to me about imap over pop3 or something >.> so i thought might iswell say it. index.php?x=&mod_id=2&id=37

There's your answer for that.

Be wary, support blows major ass. But their services are great.
My host is probably the best one I could wish for, for so cheap. Almost instant customer support, and their service with their support is so friendly, everything you could want with that business field. Very rare downtime, and if they go down they make sure to let you know why and how soon it will be back up. I think I've witnessed one or two downtime sessions within the last two years, and that was due to a massive hacking attempt... It only lasted about 4 hours, that also goes to show their security.

360 GB of space, 3,600 GB of transfer space, $6.45 a month.

If you do sign up all I ask is that you use THIS link, referrals get me some free hosting so we could both win if you like what they offer.

P.S: They support IMAP.
The Naked Ninja wrote:
My host is probably the best one I could wish for, for so cheap. Almost instant customer support, and their service with their support is so friendly, everything you could want with that business field. Very rare downtime, and if they go down they make sure to let you know why and how soon it will be back up. I think I've witnessed one or two downtime sessions within the last two years, and that was due to a massive hacking attempt... It only lasted about 4 hours, that also goes to show their security.

360 GB of space, 3,600 GB of transfer space, $6.45 a month.

If you do sign up all I ask is that you use THIS link, referrals get me some free hosting so we could both win if you like what they offer.

P.S: They support IMAP.

That's not bad. But they don't say what operating system their servers use, and if they support Background Processing and SSH support (if they are indeed using Linux servers).

Can you shed some light on them TNN?
In reply to Tiberath:

Well I sent them an email this morning about 10 minutes ago and here was their reply.

"Hello Ken,

Yes, all our servers are Linux. We do not allow Telnet/SSH access to our systems for security reasons. However our techs will be more than happy execute commands for you on request.

Have a nice day,

Kind regards,
Peter, Servage Hosting"
Bugger that for a joke. I haven't got time to wait for them to execute a BYOND server initialization. <.<
XxHatexX wrote:

Every other webhost mentioned has one thing that differs from this suggestion. Every other webhost mentioned, doesn't suck as badly as Freewebs.

There is no denying it, Freewebs is the essence of shit.
I like everythings free haha.
in case you haven't found or decided on a web host yet, has support for 2,500 IMAP e-mail accounts for as low as $7 a month.
Tiberath I use freewebs all the time... It's the best hosting I've ever had. They have great support!
Thanks for all of the suggestions guys; I decided to just stick with my current webhost and purchase a .Mac account for my email. Being able to sync everything between my Mac at work and Mac at home has been a big plus... and .Mac mail is IMAP.

K0M4tO53 wrote:
Tiberath I use freewebs all the time... It's the best hosting I've ever had. They have great support!

Clearly you've never used a paid webhost before.
OneFishDown wrote:
in case you haven't found or decided on a web host yet, has support for 2,500 IMAP e-mail accounts for as low as $7 a month.

Bluehost and Hostmonster are owned by the same guy I believe. Their deals are almost identical as well, if memory serves.


Freewebs is crap. Once you have experienced real website hosting and done real website creation work. You'll soon learn that Freewebs is in league with free Geocities.
Just to give you a little update, Silk, Google just started offering IMAP for GMail, and that includes the "Google Apps for my domain". I don't really use any email client except the GMail page and the GMail app on my phone, but it's nice to have, and still 100% free. So if you haven't already purchased that .Mac account, you could get the job done for free.
Yeah but I just feel so "hip" having an email address!

...Actually, the whole .Mac syncing thing between multiple computers has been incredibly useful for me. A solid email server is just an added bonus.

Thanks for letting me know though!
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