Bah, I found a site to help with my DirectX problems, and now it doesn't yell at me(unlike that cursed book! Bah!)
However, it does not go over DirectSound, and the books example is, like always, broken and does not work. Sigh.
I cannot seem to find an example of how to initialize DirectSound and play sounds with it.
Could somebody link me to a DirectX 9 tutorial that would give me this information? Or tell me, ya'know
Oct 2 2007, 4:28 pm
Goten84 wrote:
Honestly, I'd stay away from DirectSound as they may be deprecating it for their new ACT software that works for both the pc and XBox 360. Also, Maybe you should look into XNA. It's actually really nice and slick, and uses C# (which I think is a very elegant language). XNA is just Microsoft's framework to make PC and XBox 360 games compatiable with each other. Is okay. For some reason, I can't get the version of C# used in XNA to download from MSDN, either from my home computer or my schools, so I went with the next best thing, C++. However, I can't find any documentation on it, and the book I have doesn't want to play the sound when you use the code it supplies, so I have no clue on how to use it. For my final project(~3 weeks it is due), I have to make a small game. And what is a game without sound? |
Another note, DirectX drives XNA, so if you already know DirectX then XNA won't be hard at all to learn. In fact, Microsoft is hoping that anyone doing Windows/XBox 360 games will move to XNA. They even host contest with good prizes for it here:
PS - Sorry I didn't answer your question...