Okay, we havnt had an update for awhile(That i've shown). And I just wanted to show you guys im still alive, and that I just finished an awesome system for the game(It has probably been done before, but I still like it). Its all about damaging, and killing intents. So taijutsu attacks dont have a kiling intent, while sharp attacks, such as with a kunai, or say bone spear, have full killing intents. When you hit someone with a "sharp" attack, it does most or all damage into hp, while as a blunt(Taijutsu) attack, does stamina. When stamina reaches 0 you lose consciousness. When you lose all your hp, you lose consciousness and lay there for 30 seconds, then after that 30 seconds if no medical ninja heal you, you die. When you lose all your chakra, you can either have one of these happen to you; lose consciousness(High chance), get hurt(Damage is random, medium chance) or die(very low chance), this makes hyuuga's really useful ^^. Now, the more hp you lose, the slower you will go(to show for like breaking limbs, or being cut, which would slow your movement), but the lower the hp, the more of a killing intent your attacks will have, and will be a small percentage stronger, like 1-3%. Also, the more you kill people the higher your killing intent rises, what this does is if your a medical ninja, the lower the killing intent the stronger your healing jutsus are, and if you are say a uchiha the more killing intent increases moves like tsukymiyo to kill. Theres more to it, but I hate making long posts, so just play nkm when it comes back on to find out ^^ !
COOL!!! Can`t wait 2 c it :)
Nice, good to see u updating (im in scholl in computer tech it sucks lol)