Keywords: naruto, universalis
Man... I didn't realize how hard it was to recruit people for my game. Meh, I'd agree with anyone skeptical though. You don't want to work with someone who hasn't proven to be a good programmer. All I have so far are words and not works. Well, here we go: If any Pixel Artist are interested in helping out with a Naruto Game, please let me know =)

In the meantime, I spent all night creating some new turfs. I didn't realize how hard it was. It's really just Programmer Art. I should note though that I didn't create all of the tiles, only the building tiles. I'm working on windows now >.<

In the last picture below, you'll see the text, "Believe It". It's just something that I though was funny. I'm not a fan of the "English" version of Naruto, and that's one of those funny lines they never needed to include when it got translated.