This is a question I've recently given plenty of thought to, and after reading an editorial on a related subject in the Chicago Tribune, I decided to post my thoughts.
Anti-Semitism has existed in some form since Judaism has, and the only reason I can really think of for its' persistence--crazy as it may seem--is jealousy:
Historically speaking, Jewish people have always been some of the most intelligent and respectable people on the planet. In fact, although most don't seem to realize it, people of Jewish background have done so much for society as a whole. Take Albert Einstein: this not only gave us the Theory of Relitivity, but also laid the groundwork for nearly everything we know today. And he's not the only one: Jewish inventors brought us Blue Jeans, the Pill, and even the first Camera Phone to name a few things. I mean, who would, in their right mind, hate a people who have brought so much to civilization? (Keep in mind, by the way, that because Hitler chased away all of his Jewish scientists, he never got the bomb during WWII!)
Of course, Israel has been a source of some unfortunate resentment for the Jewish people, and this I also find kind of silly. Yes, the creation of Israel caused the unfortunate displacement of the Palestinians, but this kind of thing has happened over and over in history, amid considerably less fanfare: the whole world didn't complain, after all, when American settlement displaced countless natives.
And why not have Israel? Isn't it kind of odd how, amid all the anti-zionism out there, nobody seems to notice that the only true, stable democracy in the Middle East happens to also be the only Jewish country in the Middle East? And among other things, Israel has a kickass military, is a consistant ally of the United States, and contributes a whole lot to the fields of medicine and science.
It really doesn't make sense to me anti-semitism still exists in all its' forms all over the world in this day and age. These people constitute a very small percentage of the world's population, produce many respectable people in this country, and yet I can still read the paper and see reports of these crazy things still going on. I think it's time to give the Jews a break.
![]() Sep 30 2007, 6:17 am
![]() Sep 30 2007, 9:00 am
One of the foundations of all the hate that I have learned in Hebrew School was mostly because of what you said. The Jewish people have been smart, and are successful in the fields that they work in. Back in colonial days, Jewish people moved through each of the colonies, the same thing would happen each time. They would get jobs, become wealthy, and then they would be kicked out because the other colonists didn't like them making all of the money.
That's probably the main factor in todays world, though I'm sure there's plenty of other factors as well, such as religion, which is now that I think about it very weird, since Christianity and Islam formed out of Judaism, and they all worship the game god.
How do you respond to this without making it look like a Jewish rally or implying that you don't particularly like Jews?
Can you really blame it on pure jealousy because Jews have been successful at one point or another? I don’t think you can, especially since they are not the only race to bring about success in the fields they’ve attempted. Maggeh, they may seem like the same god, but many religious peoples would throw a fit at that statement. Religion is such a sensitive and delicate subject to discuss, its really ridiculous. I have a feeling this could erupt into a horrible religious and racial debate. |
are you kidding? natives always bitch about having their land taken, and that was centuries ago.
One thing's for sure, though: there is ABSOLUTELY no gray zone on that topic. Why? Simply because amongst the parties implied, one party or another will attempt to play the "with me or against me" card.
It's the same for all taboo and "pseudo-taboo" subjects. So don't hope for objective views on this from either side, it's just impossible. |
Body wrote:
I don’t think you can, especially since they are not the only race to bring about success in the fields they’ve attempted. Saying being Jewish is a race is like saying being black is a religion. |
Of course, anything I say will automatically be lambarded as anti-semitic, because I'm European and believe in equality.
There is such thing as a "Jewish" ethnic group, although it is perhaps more correct to call them Hebrews, and it would help differentiate the Judaism followers (who aren't always ethnically Jewish, for example there are Arab Jews) from those who come from a background going back to the 12 tribes. We should remember that Israel is a state, and its Government is made up of humans just as much as every other state, they make mistakes like any other state, and they are equally susceptible to being racists themselves. There is an Anti-Arab movement, there are even far-right political parties in Israel, one of which is even part of the Ruling Government in order so it didn't collapse, which would rather see the removal of all Arabs from Israel (and the Palestinian Territories in some cases which they claim for their own), purely based on ethnic grounds. The Arab-Israel struggle is a Arab vs Jew struggle, its an ethnic war, which is why its so hard to take sides without being racist of the other. Israel shouldn't have been formed, but then, the British Empire did a shite job of the situation and ran away. I've always been a follower of the one state solution, we'd find peace in a Federalised state. Just remember that when you get down to the bone, it is an ethnic conflict, regardless of religions or culture, backing either side denies the others right to exist. |
This idea of Israel being the only "stable" democratic state is also nonsense:
Lebanon has a system in which seats are divided into religious groups, roughly Christians get 50% of the seats and Muslims get the other 50% (with minorities being on the side they most closely resemble). Syria, despite what anyone says, has a very strong Parliament and is relatively free, Christian-Muslim relations are incredably good within Syria. Iran, while still currently going through a fundementialist stage, give minorities like their Jewish population special representation. Iran is often attacked for being anti-semetic when it is actually very strongly supportive, even proud of their Jewish community and their contributions to Persian and Iranian history. They are anti-Israel though, there is no denying that. Turkeys government is fine, their problem is the military which does what it wants regardless of who's in power. The southern states are mostly theocracies, which is a pain in the ass, and I won't defend them, but Turkey, Lebanon (Lebanon being more "westernised" than even Israel), Syria, and to a point Iran sort of counters this "Israel is the only democracy in the middle east". |
Popisfizzy wrote:
Body wrote: Well I'm pretty sure Hitler and the nazis didn't go door to door asking what religion each person followed. |
Body wrote:
Popisfizzy wrote: Yea, no shit. They went from temple to temple and got lists of people who attended. |
"And why not have Israel? Isn't it kind of odd how, amid all the anti-zionism out there, nobody seems to notice that the only true, stable democracy in the Middle East happens to also be the only Jewish country in the Middle East? And among other things, Israel has a kickass military, is a consistant ally of the United States, and contributes a whole lot to the fields of medicine and science." Have you actually been to Israel? Because if you haven't you have no idea how not "kickass" their military is. Plus there is no such thing as a "stable" country or state in this world. |
Popisfizzy wrote:
Body wrote: Temple, DAMN! Those Nazi scum. |
I'm going to step in here, because I like totally checked out BYOND today and this is what I found.
Yea, no shit. They went from temple to temple and got lists of people who attended. They may have done that but all you had to qualify to be Jewish is to have a Jewish parent. That is why there were some people who had never practiced the Jewish religion in the camps. Have you actually been to Israel? Because if you haven't you have no idea how not "kickass" their military is. Actually you're very wrong about that. They have a helluva military. Before I take on Acebloke's crap, I'd like to say that his anti-semitic tendencies are well documented(I have taken screenshots). because I'm European and believe in equality. Ah, right. In case anyone didn't know already terms like this and "an even handed approach" are well used leftist terms for pro-Palestinian bias. Google it. Israel shouldn't have been formed, but then, the British Empire did a shite job of the situation and ran away. This is another typical leftist "intellectual elite" viewpoint. And if we follow our ten guidelines for distinguishing antisemitism from completely valid criticism... The Differences between Anti-Semitism and Criticism " It is often difficult to specify the border between criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism. Cotler has suggested some guidelines. He claims that critics of Israel become anti-Semites when: 1. They publicly call for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. This is the case with the covenants of Palestinian terrorist groups (the PLO and Hamas) and some militant Islamic legal rulings (fatawin), as well as the Iranian threat to annihilate Israel ("genocidal anti-Semitism"). 2. They deny the Jewish people's right to self-determination, de-legitimize Israel as a state, and attribute to Israel all the world's evil ("political anti-Semitism"). 3. They Nazify Israel ("ideological anti-Semitism"). 4. Israel is characterized as the perfidious enemy of Islam ("theological anti-Semitism"). 5. Israel is attributed a mix of evil qualities by salon intellectuals and Western elites ("cultural anti-Semitism"). 6. They call for restrictions against those trading with Israel ("economic anti-Semitism"). 7. They deny the Holocaust. 8. They support racist terrorism against Israel. " - Ah, number two. The funniest thing about number two is that self-determination for minorities (anti-westernimperialism) is one of the cornerstones of liberalism. That is how we know they are singling out the Jewish people. Note the western, why? Because liberals seem to have no problem with the Arabs dream of a global/regional caliphate. Another funny thing about this, is that he says a group that has suffered as much as the Jews has, should not be allowed to provide for their own defense. His inevitable response will be "Why in the holy land". The Jews have been the only group living without interruption in the holy land for 3,700 years. There has always been a Jewish majority in Jerusalem. The Bedouin tribes that were there before (keep in mind there was no such thing as a Palestinian before the 60's) were debt ridden and didn't own the land, rich land owners in Cairo and Damascus did. I'd recommend everyone reads that article too. it is an ethnic conflict, regardless of religions or culture, backing either side denies the others right to exist. Wrong. And that is an incredibly perverted thing to say. This idea of Israel being the only "stable" democratic state is also nonsense: Lebanon, right that's stable... Politicians don't get murdered on a regular basis and there are massive rallies in defiance of the government. Oh there also isn't a militant group that pretends to be above the authority of the country. Iran A Psuedo-democracy, the real power is in the hands of the Ayatollah and the clergy. That is by no means a true stable democracy. SyriaSyria has abolished constitutions, had coups, and been through so many types of governments in the last decades you can hardly call it a "stable" democracy. There is an Anti-Arab movement... Did you know there are also Nazis in Israel? Yeah, they arrested some recently. The point is you can talk so much about these tiny minorities, but the overwhelming majority of Israelis(70%) support giving up land for peace with Arabs. The other 29.9% don't hate Arabs the least bit(there are 1.4 million Israeli Arabs) but they see that as a threat to National security. A view that is supported by a the situation in Gaza. |
I also found this interesting site on Jewish Nobel prize laureates. " At least 173 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 23% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2006, and constituting 37% of all US recipients2 during the same period. In the scientific research fields of Chemistry, Economics, Medicine, and Physics, the corresponding world and US percentages are 27% and 39%, respectively. (Jews currently make up approximately 0.25% of the world's population and 2% of the US population.) * Chemistry (29 prize winners, 19% of world total, 28% of US total) * Economics (22 prize winners, 38% of world total, 51% of US total) * Literature (13 prize winners, 13% of world total, 27% of US total) * Peace (9 prize winners, 10% of world total, 11% of US total)3 * Physics (47 prize winners, 26% of world total, 38% of US total) * Physiology or Medicine (53 prize winners, 28% of world total, 42% of US total) See also: * Jewish Recipients of the US National Medal of Science (166 recipients, 38% of total) * Jewish Recipients of the Kyoto Prize (26% of recipients) NOTES 1. This enumeration constitutes an update and an expansion of the information on Jewish Nobel Prize winners contained in the 1997 CD ROM edition of the Encyclopaedia Judaica (EJ97), from which 117 of the names listed here were obtained. Nearly all of the additional entries (as well as some of those obtained from EJ97) are accompanied by explanatory footnotes. Approximately 15% of those listed are, or were, of half-Jewish descent. 2. Based on US nationality at the time of award. 3. Percentages are based on awards to individuals only, i.e., the computation excludes awards to organizations." |