Hey, I must say, it is about time the Anime section of BYOND got a boost of originality! It has been years and the DragonBall Zeta rips kept coming and coming. It seems as if people are starting to create their own, original DragonBall games now, and I must say, they all look pretty good. Here are a few original DragonBall games that are in the making that you should keep an eye on:
These three games need no introduction, they are very much anticipated:
1.) http://games.byond.com/hub/Stimulus/FightersofLegend
2.) http://games.byond.com/hub/DBOTeam/DragonballOnlineII
3.) http://games.byond.com/hub/Goku72/LegendOfTheDragonballs
This next game has not gotten much spotlight, but it looks quite promising:
1.) http://games.byond.com/hub/QMarkReal/DBZUnrealSagas
Here are some other original DragonBall games I have not done much research on, but from what I hear, are definitely going in the right direction:
1.) http://games.byond.com/hub/Knifo/PlanetDragonball
2.) http://games.byond.com/hub/Dbgtsuperfreak/ DragonballGenerations
This specific DragonBall game is a fighter style. It's a one on one battle between you and another player:
1.) http://games.byond.com/hub/InfernoLFlames/ DragonBallTournamentFighters
Here is a list of original DragonBall games that are already completed. You may download and host these games:
1.) http://games.byond.com/hub/SuperSaiyanGokuX/DBTC
2.) http://games.byond.com/hub/DarkSkythe/DBH2
There are more original DragonBall games, but most of them have either died out, or the owners of the games are working on them in private without telling anyone, so for their sake, I will not link them.
The reason I posted these links is because most people do not know of the original DragonBall games out there, so they play the rips. I suggest you try these games.
One of my favorite games in this list is: http://games.byond.com/hub/DarkSkythe/DBH2. Not many people know about this game. I suggest you download and play this game. This game is amazing and is very high-quality.
Sep 23 2007, 5:45 pm
Aug 10 2009, 7:12 pm
how do i get dragonball GT: Worlds Strongest 3 ion a guild its not riped the owner gave to me it was originaly number 2