I have a dual monitor setup which is great for work, but mostly sucks for games- a very few games work with dual monitor (sometimes using it as a feature, too)- whereas the most either just ignore all but your primary, or even display wrong or mess up.
On the nvidia control panel it also lets you select an option that either optimises for dual monitors or single- essentially, dual monitors (or more) is ever so slightly slower than just a single monitor. That's not a problem for working on things like programming or essays or what not, but it is for games and it's a pain to have to switch back multiple settings every time I want to play a game after doing some work or vice versa.
So my question is this- is there any easy way to set multiple display settings?
I'll need to be setting stuff in the windows display settings panel as well as the nvidia control panel thing, so I guess this might be a bit complicated. =/ Would a macro thing help? Erm, I have no idea about this.
Any ideas? It'd be nice to have a little icon on my desktop I could just click to toggle between everything.
Sep 16 2007, 12:54 pm
Sep 16 2007, 8:52 pm
I could have sworn the nvidia control panel actually had exactly what you want built-in. I guess I must be mistaken.
I've wanted this too. I used to play FFXI which would crash if it lost focus. So the second I accidentally clicked off the FFXI screen, it'd crash on me. So I'd have to turn off my second screen every time I wanted to play. Annoying.
didn't the nvidia control panel come with a separate application called "ResChanger"? that should show up in your systray, and right-clicking it might just do what you want it to do... i'm not sure. i'm only using a single display. have you tried that?
rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setview 0 standard DA
in a BAT file or on the command line works great setting the view down to a single view on your primary monitor. DA should be replaced with AA if it's an analogue monitor or TA if it's a TV. (DA for digital/TFT/CRT monitor). But this is meant to set dualview with one digital monitor and one analogue: rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setview 1 dualview DA AA but it doesn't seem to be running. It works fine with "dualview" replaced with "clone" but does nothing with dualview. =/ Read the thread for more info and see if it works for you? |
If I can't get this fixed I might try the profile route- making two profiles for the nview thing; one set up for single, one set up for dual. Then some command line method of switching between those.
This seems good for the profile idea. Now I've got a problem - my dualview setting doesn't seem to be there at all! I can't even do it in the normal nview control panel nor in the normal windows display settings... =/ Rebooting. |
rundll32.exe nview.dll, nViewCmd loadprofile singlemonitor all rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setview 0 standard DA rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setmode 1 1680 1050 32 60 dualmonitor.bat: rundll32.exe nview.dll, nViewCmd loadprofile dualmonitor all rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setview 1 dualview AA DA rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setmode 1 1680 1050 32 60 rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg setmode 2 1280 1024 32 80 singlemonitor and dualmonitor are profiles made in the nvidea control panel, set up to handle single and dual monitors respectively. This seems to work on my system- most of that other stuff there is catering to my specific resolutions, so check the pages I linked to for more info. |