Keywords: bored, me, peronality, poll, you

Poll: What are you?

ISTJ, ESTJ,ENFP, or ISTP 15% (6)
ISFJ - The Nurturers 0% (0)
ESFJ - The Caregivers 0% (0)
ESTP - The Doers 2% (1)
ESFP - The Performers 2% (1)
ISFP - The Artists 15% (6)
ENTJ - The Executives 5% (2)
INTJ - The Scientists 7% (3)
ENTP - The Visionaries 2% (1)
INTP - The Thinkers 7% (3)
ENFJ - The Givers 7% (3)
INFJ - The Protectors 12% (5)
INFP - The Idealists 22% (9)

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Lol, okay, time to found out what you BYONDers are! I myself am Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving(INFP)

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_> ISTJ... Looks like a common one...
ISFP fools.