Heres the EC list.
Babidi - 5758964
Banker - 5432211
Bulma - 5534561
Dabura - 2234155
Dende - 6574567
Dr. Briefs - 1242351
Fix - 1949639
Frieza - 9980776
Goku - 2290876
Goku SSJ3 - 9824526
Goku SSJ4 - 1458916
Guru - 6678554
Hercule - 5374986
King Kai - 2215368
King Kai's Gym - 5432212
Korin - 5564321
Master Roshi - 9987654
Piccolo - 2254343
Supreme Kai - 3317954
Tapion - 4625695
Tien - 8876976
Vegeta - 5484956
Vegeta SSJ4 - 1458917
Videl - 2245332
Yamcha - 1256433
tell the peeps on LR that i've been busy with school plus, my mom took my internet away so yeah..forums don't seem to work >.>..i'm kinda fed up with byond anyways..later >.>
i'll get back as soon as possible, tell Angel to wipe maybe? |
Hey Gojahn who host's Untold Legends for you because it goes down far to often for far to long. And do you get to choose your Saiyan/Half-Saiyan Gene, you know pride and honor, or does it change accordingly?
i got booted 4 some1 elses fault if u could put me back on i would be much appreacated
by the way the game is awsome |
yo i need ur help i am a tuffle and i can't seem to find the saga thing how do i do one
Excuse me, There seems to be no way of reaching you, but would you still have a SoC source file?
Lol..mind helping me? I have that problem you had with the options and messages box turning all white. How did you fix it?
on untold sagas my character has white hair and when i try and turn it black it just stays white how do i fix this?
Oh and why is there a Vegeta NPC... Then a SSJ4 vegeta NPC o_o