Keywords: ball, byond, dragon, ec, legends, list, oo, reborn, z
Heres the EC list.

Babidi - 5758964
Banker - 5432211
Bulma - 5534561
Dabura - 2234155
Dende - 6574567
Dr. Briefs - 1242351
Fix - 1949639
Frieza - 9980776
Goku - 2290876
Goku SSJ3 - 9824526
Goku SSJ4 - 1458916
Guru - 6678554
Hercule - 5374986
King Kai - 2215368
King Kai's Gym - 5432212
Korin - 5564321
Master Roshi - 9987654
Piccolo - 2254343
Supreme Kai - 3317954
Tapion - 4625695
Tien - 8876976
Vegeta - 5484956
Vegeta SSJ4 - 1458917
Videl - 2245332
Yamcha - 1256433
It runs on 4.0, maybe when its 4.0 is fully released. Lol

Oh and why is there a Vegeta NPC... Then a SSJ4 vegeta NPC o_o
Because they each give different attributes.. don't ask me why though.
I'd like to know why you can't choose between pride or honour genes.
tell the peeps on LR that i've been busy with school plus, my mom took my internet away so yeah..forums don't seem to work >.>..i'm kinda fed up with byond anyways..later >.>

i'll get back as soon as possible, tell Angel to wipe maybe?
Hey Gojahn who host's Untold Legends for you because it goes down far to often for far to long. And do you get to choose your Saiyan/Half-Saiyan Gene, you know pride and honor, or does it change accordingly?
how do i get to it? i wanna play it but i cant find it
i got booted 4 some1 elses fault if u could put me back on i would be much appreacated
by the way the game is awsome
yo i need ur help i am a tuffle and i can't seem to find the saga thing how do i do one
Excuse me, There seems to be no way of reaching you, but would you still have a SoC source file?
Lol..mind helping me? I have that problem you had with the options and messages box turning all white. How did you fix it?
Gojahn if u need a coder than u can pick me lol cuz i can code no lie
on untold sagas my character has white hair and when i try and turn it black it just stays white how do i fix this?
can i be ur head admin the reason im not asking u on the forum is cuz wen i hit save topic doesnt do any thing pleece im a good gm plz make me heaad admin i made 5 games come back in action