Unless I've missed the bus on some new technology, and people are making posts on the BYOND forum via their cell phone's text messaging service, I'm completely in awe with this generation.
Leetspeak is an amazingly prevalent bastardization of the english language these days. I see it everywhere, on my cell phone, where it is understandable due to the limit on characters in a message, and the time taken to text on those god damn multi-tap phones, and even in messages left for me on post-its at work.
Whenever I read a post-it at work written in leet, I tend to swing back by the writer's desk and drop another post-it on their desk with the following message affixed to the dictionary at their desk: "Lrn 2 3nglsh". A few people in my squadron find this intensely humorous, and several signs have been posted around the building emblazoned with this phrase. Apparently, the irony is laughable enough that people tend to forget that I am insulting them.
I recently read a post on the forums, someone asking for "a gm code" for their "highskool" game. Someone pointed him to the hub for libraries, and he responds with "thanx".
I'd like to also mention, that I felt like vomiting when I read these messages.
Point 1: Adding uncommon, or angular letters such as "K", "X", and "Z" does not make you look cool. It does not make your point any more edgy or extreme. It looks stupid, and though it may sound the same, and be fairly readable, it serves no purpose.
Point 2: If you don't want to type, don't post. Saving keystrokes saves no time. If you aren't going to take your message seriously, people aren't going to take you seriously. If you can't take the time to type out a readable sentence, why should I want to take the time to help you?
Point 3: Numbers do not belong in the middle of a word. End of story.
Point 4: Commas, periods, question marks, exclamation points, semicolons and apostrophes are all there for a reason. I shouldn't have to reread a post five times just to figure out what the hell you are saying. If you are asking a question, put a damned question mark at the end. Exclamation points denote emphasis just like bold text. If I have to read another capitol sentence, I'm going to stab my eyes out.
Point 5: You aren't being charged by the letter, and if you are, I'd suggest finding a new ISP. Plus, I will eat your soul.
Whatever the case, I just thought I'd share that with you. It's really been getting on my nerves this week. Maybe I take myself too seriously, I dunno, but I just like to show a little professionalism when I type, just in case someone is drawing a conclusion about my personality. I don't care if someone thinks I'm a jerk, or an asshole, but I would hate for someone to think I am unintelligent, or illiterate because of how I type. Sorry, but I like having my credibility.
Sep 8 2007, 11:07 pm
I recently read a post on the forums, someone asking for "a gm code" for their "highskool" game. Someone pointed him to the hub for libraries, and he responds with "thanx". I think that's a pretty bad example. You've basically set yourself up as the guy complaining he's not going by the book even though you can understand him, while the example case is the guy who is polite and appreciates the help he is given. I totally agree that people who write like that look ridiculous, I just think you should go hunt for a better example when pushing your case. |
I don't need a better example. You all know what I'm talking about, you see it every day. I don't need to push the case. This particular message is what set me off after weeks of seeing this stuff.
Who said he was talking about your font size? Self-conscious, much? Better over-compensate with a sports car or something...lol
(Sorry, I just had to make this joke, nothing personal...) Anyways, though I'm guilty of horribly abusing punctuation, I agree with the majority of your rant! Though, these days, several people are making posts from cell phones...lol |
It bothers me too; but what bothers me more is how the hell could they spend so much time writing all those numbers and letters in different caps when they could have just written a normal sentence? Who seriously has all day to type a few sentences? I'm kinda referring to myspace(Admittedly I go to see ho horrible people type '-.-) : HtW c0U1D i B3 7yP1nG l1K3 tHiS?
Alright, then people posting on cell phones should start out with:
Weeee! Cell phone! ... or Nubbin... Or... suicide, but whatever. Not my problem. I still ain't leaving the house. The Wireless era has forsaken me. |
Been talked about before, problem's still around...
Conclusion: the vast majority doesn't care, and cares even less when someone else brings it up again. |
SpeyMan wrote:
do u gramr??? |)o u gr4mr, thank you very much. |
Ter13 said:
Point 3: Numbers do not belong in the middle of a word. End of story. You suck. :( |
Heh, I had to stop my mom from doing that stuff. She's been IMing me almost nightly, and I really had to put an end to her spelling and grammar problems(Of the type mentioned in this post). This is why it should be illegal for parents to use the Intertubes.
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Ter13 said: Names aren't words... As declared by the act of D4rk 54b3r appeasement of 1983 section five paragraph ten subclause five... That I just... made up... |
It takes an extra fifteen seconds at most to properly format your text messages on cell-phones. Even someone like myself, who sends a set of text messages maybe twice a month, can do it reasonably quickly.
Here's a good rule of thumb; If your message is longer than the character limit the phone you're sending to will allow you to display? Time to make a bloody phone call. |
50 L1ten up a l1l, lulz