Keywords: again, are, at, durn, it, nazis, neo neonazis_control_german_village/1636/

See what happens when you kill Captain American off?*

*I hate all American comics and their heroes, anyways.
Except for the Flash after I read some crazy stuff on him.
You ought to give 'American comics' another chance. The flagship titles (Most of Marvel's and DC's stuff) are really just rehashes of one another. There are way, way more comics out there than just cape comics.
Evre wrote:
You ought to give 'American comics' another chance. The flagship titles (Most of Marvel's and DC's stuff) are really just rehashes of one another. There are way, way more comics out there than just cape comics.

Yeah, I know that.
But they all either have the same drawing style, or some horrible amerimanga drawing style, and the stories aren't very deep most of the time. Also, when they attempt to be "funny", they fail at it. Horribly.

The only American comic I've ever bought was the 4-comic special of Mega Man, and that was tolerable.
Spawn ftw.
SpeyMan wrote:
Spawn ftw.

There are only a few cape comics I like (Ultimate Spider-man and Deadpool), but there are plenty others out there. Have you read The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? What about any of Neil Gaiman's works? While technically not "American", it doesn't fall under "Manga", which is the dichotomy most people draw when talking about graphic storytelling media.

Sam Keith writes some really memorable titles like The Maxx and Zero Girl. Y - The Last Man is also a really interesting title to keep an eye on, although it might not be for everyone. If you're into zombies you can always give The Living Dead a read. Jhonen Vasquez writes some of the more angst filled and hastily sketched titles like "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac" (not really my thing, but it might be yours) or "I Feel Sick" (I highly recommend it.)

It just depends on what you like. There are countless art styles out there, and countless methods of story telling. If you're interested in any of the titles I mentioned (Google 'em if you're curious), I'd be happy to link you to some pages.
Meh, I've taken a look at all of those, and the only ones that have slightly interested me were the Jhonen Vasquez comics.

American comics just aren't my thing.
They are either all overly buff chicks/dudes with some powers, or dark comics. And both have sad attempts to make jokes.

I'm not sure if I'll ever -like- American comics, seeing how I was raised on shoujo manga(been reading it since age 5) and Voltron, but who knows?

In other news, how about them durn Nazis?