I'm still cracking away at Core, I've been doing considerable work using Perlin noise to generate textures, but the screenshots here actually use it for terrain generation. The big deal isn't even the Perlin noise though, it's what turfs are to become. I'm trying to eliminate the grid a bit, by smoothing the transitions between different elevations. As you can see, my hills become a bit more "rolling". I also "roughened" the grass turfs a bit, so "natural" turfs like grass, rock, or dirt, won't always end in a perfect straight line.
While I wanted to do smooth transitions, I still did want to keep the option for straight edges, for things like roofs, or artificial turfs that an edge would make sense for. (They also require a lot less triangles to render ;) )
Here's a shot of the smoothed terrain without the "roughness".
I still have a lot of work to do. Right now, I'm only rendering the tops of turfs, I will need to render the sides and undersides as well. I'll also need to tie these into my wall system, which I'll probably be redoing in similar fashion. I'm generating all the triangles for this on the fly, rather than loading meshes. This will also allow me to do some optimization for flat areas that have the same texture. I can render multiple turfs with the same 2 triangles as long as they're adjacent.
I don't know if I mentioned before but sound support has been added. Different turfs sound different when Tynkin walks across them. Anyways, back to work.