For ya scientology haters (including myself), enjoy. From the looks of it, they might be labeled as a criminal group. :P
![]() Sep 4 2007, 9:13 am
![]() Sep 4 2007, 9:28 am
The way they abuse the legal system to attack their critics even here, they ought to be labeled a criminal group.
You're right about them abusing the legal system. I mean look at how much they abuse the DMCA. This is pretty much one of the reasons why the person who played as Chef in South Park left due to an episode related to making fun of scientlogists. How come its ok for them to offend us, but not offend them?
Pmac wrote:
'Cause you don't want Xenu summoning souls on your ass. It's Thetans! Oh well, either way, they're a bunch of shitfucks! :D (Waiting for lawsuit...) |
Scientology is just so grotesque.
What's sad though, is that my Aunt (Jehovah's Witness) prefers Scientology over Mormonism. Though she says she hasn't studied Scientology (though they do theological type things but don't dive too deep into Non-Bible based religions.) |
I don't get why it's so hard to bring these guys down. From what I've seen even I could present a strong enough case against them.
Who exactly do you bribe/intimidate to bog these processes down, and why isn't a reporter spamming the news with stories about that person? |
DarkView wrote:
I don't get why it's so hard to bring these guys down. From what I've seen even I could present a strong enough case against them. Problem is, they have followers in higher spheres as well. Since this piece of shit is recognized as a religion in some countries, it is harder to have a rock-solid case against them and drive it up their ass when there's a chance that the judge might be a follower. Plus, they have money. Loads of it. And they invested it in the right place: their legal team. And since they have lots of money, they can file and re-file and re-re-file lawsuits, and efficiently delay the time it takes for those lawsuits to be dismissed, thus efficiently ruining their victims in legal fees. And don't think about suing them for malicious prosecution, they'll delay this one as well and sue you back for attack on character. To make a long story short, they're similar to those pesky trolls logging onto BYOND games to wreck havoc in a way, except that instead of spamming "LULZ UR GAME SUXXX ROFLMAOZ!!!111", they spam lawsuits, simply because they can. So unless someone richer than them beats them at their own game, it's gonna take a lot of time to take those fuckers down. |
Wait, cant we jut kill off whoever believes the garbage that this cult it*. I mean, bullets are cheap, in fact, they're a TON cheaper than lawsuits. and unlike the BYOND tolls, you can track these guys down.**
*- It's NOT a religion, I don't care, it's a cult. C-U-L-T cult. Their next addition to that Sci-Fi novel of a book is going to be adding an article of mass suicide by kool-aid. **-I'm a Russian immigrant, so they won't sue me...unless they like being 50 meters under in a plastic bag ;) |