Sep 2 2007, 4:39 pm
I challenge you to prove otherwise.
Sep 2 2007, 4:46 pm
My pager indicated you posted this. The post could have been my imagination, but the pager isn't - it only reports things that exist. Or at least it would have if I added you to my friends list.
Well, first, I'd have to go over the fabrics of existence and reality:
Think of a condition, in which, you are positive you're going to die in seven days(lolz @ reference). When seven days are over, you are positive you're dead, and nothing could prove you otherwise. I can't convince you you're alive, because you believe you are dead, and because I couldn't nothing could prove you otherwise(to yourself). Hence, you're dead. I will now need to prove time(and other things) wrong: time isn't something that is there, or that existed before we defined it--it is something that we defined, due to a mental need, a feeling of change, a thought, or whatever, but we defined it. Same could be said for location, thoughts, me, you, this post, and whatever. You could say "The only existence is what I believe exists", which is true. So, going by previous statements, the existence of this post is defined by me, hence it exists. Unless you could prove otherwise? Though I believe you can't, so you obviously can't. haha |
I must direct you to this image:
I rest my case. |
What I'm going for here is:
Sure, you can provide evidence that something appears to be there, but no person can prove the existance of anything except himself that lays outside the parameters of his or her mind. You might see this post and respond to it saying that it exists because of that, but you can't prove to yourself that anything that happened here wasn't solely a figment created by your own mind. |
Vexonater wrote:
Sure, you can provide evidence that something appears to be there, but no person can prove the existance of anything except himself that lays outside the parameters of his or her mind. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to provide proof for that statement. :P |