Today and yesterday I was hit by earthquakes! Yesterday a earthquake meassuring 6.7 magnitude. 32.42.-110.-100.php
And then one this morning! with a 6.9 magnitude earthquake near Solomon islands, and a tidal wave hit Santa Cruz, WHERE im going tommarrow for my b-day party, then the earthquake itself hit me at about 6-7. Now since those two have gone off i'm waiting for San Fransisco to explode. That would actually affect my city(Unlike the others), and some kewl cities will be destroyed when san fransisco blows(Like foster city, Foster Cities Bridge(One of the longest bridges in the world). And scientist said that california might split making my city a BEACH!... How can I have the time to make a game while in threat of having the ocean in my backyard >.> Mother Natures gonna get a bitch slap tonight!
owned u got pwned by a earthquke
Your not funny Burningangel.
So did you you live in california too! execpt you got hit by mexico's... I got hit by solomans... I wonder if it destroyed the border
Onyx uses Fissure

it was not very effective
Hey, at least your house's value will go up.
I would have to ride an onyx to live xD the ocean wouldt only be in my backyard it would cover the whole valley, so there would be sharks all over, and sea otters pimp slapping people, and dolphins dying from trash, and seaguls picking off the straglers >.>
Like I said, Atleast your house's value will go up.
I could see the adds.
Wonderful Sea view, with a real live aquarium everywhere you look, Scuba gear is intended, and some type of harpoon.
We felt this one this morning. One or two big jolts and that was it. No major shaking or rolling. First one around here in a few years.
i felt only 2 this morning probity 2-5 seconds long not that big but noticeable
Ya mine hit early this morning waking me up >.>