For those that have been in this community called BYOND most likely know that most of us, myself included, can be quite cocky sometimes. So much so to result in trolling, flaming, and/or stubbornness. Now, most of these can be called a product of having a superiority complex. A compensation of some sort because we ourselves cannot make up for what we are lacking that most others have. May it be something as friends, a girlfriend/boyfriend, or perhaps even so simple as to having a goal.
Now one question arises. What is it that some of us are lacking to want to look down on others as if we are better than them? As if we are so divine that no one could dare rattle our confidence and understanding of how things work.

What is it that you think you are lacking? And if anything, do you take it out on others unknowingly?

My Answer: What I think I lack most is willpower and true friends*. Without willpower, its hard to finish something let alone continue it. Without true friends, its hard to stay focused on what truly matters. I definitely take it out on others. Whether it be internet or real life. I get this arrogant attitude in which I think I know more than someone so then in turn I try to make them look foolish, even when in the first place I probably knew little to nothing about the subject at all. In the end, that results in making myself look foolish. So, what are you lacking most? And please, try to be honest if you do respond.

*I have friends but most of them I see as just hang out friends. I'd only pick a handful of them to say they were real friends.
I'm lacking in just about everything that's not related to physics (or some sort of non-biology science), history, programming, and writing.

I have two people that are close friends and another few that are good friends, so I don't have a whole lot of people I'm close to, but I'm satisfied with that. Some people just need more or less friends than others.
My english is always sloppy and fails, i usually have to run it through a spellcheck. >_> im always in such a rush, and i often have to reboot like 3 times for an update because i forget stupid little things. Also im not very good at iconing, but i always end up doing it for convenience, everything graphical that i get made fun of for i did o_o;, thank god things like the base icon were redone by people who actually have artistic talent.
You're quite horrible at life QMarkReal.
F34R wrote:
You're quite horrible at life QMarkReal.

I have one of those, but only because I am better than all of you.
Rinkuu wrote:
F34R wrote:
You're quite horrible at life QMarkReal.



But yeah, one thing I really lack is someone to love, like a girlfriend/boyfriend, you know? Though, I do try to suppress my thoughts and feelings so my superiority complex doesn't go haywire. Though... this leads to many depressing moments. =(
F34R wrote:
You're quite horrible at life QMarkReal.

Thanks for proving my point?
please change your css it is terrible i can not read
GoodDoggyTreat wrote:
please change your css it is terrible i can not read

Don't mind if I do?
Attractive Girlfriend? No lack here.
Good friends? You bet ya.
Fun job? Damn right.
Will to succeed? You bet your ass.
Well liked by peers? Bloody oath.
Well hated by non-peers? Pride and joy.
Superiority Complex? Naturally.

Admit it, you wish you were me. =P
Vis here..well what I think I lack most would be...Time and Determination, im what most people would call a perfectionist, I must have things perfect for my life to move on but in this world shit aint perfect so I slow down, if I had time I could perfect anything, now determination is another problem I would match it with Qmarks willpower problem basically..well thats about it. PS: I dont see anything wrong with Qmarks CSS Gooddoggytreat must be blind 0_o