Keywords: videogames
I don't care if you've never played a Metroid game before in your life: Metroid Prime 3 is the best game on the Wii, and you need to buy it.

The controls are flat-out amazing. *This* is the reason I bought a Wii: the controls really immerse you into the experience, and make the game that much more fun. Screw Halo 3: after playing this, I could never go back to the old dual-analog setup.

Anyone who complains about how the Wii is underpowered needs to spend an hour with this game. The graphics are crisp, clean and amazing, and run at a solid 60 fps. Metroid Prime 3 is proof that art design is what makes a game look good: not how many polygons it can push.

Gameplay wise, the new controls make this game feel completely fresh, despite the fact that the formula hasn't changed that much since the original Metroid Prime. Another big thing that helps is that the atmosphere and story are a total departure from the other two games: it feels completely different. Due to interaction with other characters and excellent voice-acting, the story is the most compelling in the series to date.

Anyone else who has developed an FPS game for the Wii prior to this will probably curl up in a ball and die from shame after seeing what Retro has done. This is the standard by which all future FPS games on the Wii will be judged.

Like I said... even if you've never played a Metroid game before, this game is a must-buy for Wii owners. Forget Bioshock: Metroid Prime 3 is the current top runner for Game of the Year in my book.
Yeah i got it on Sunday, fucking brilliant! The bosses are well thought out and the difficulty is perfect. The upgrades and the extra features are sweet!

Also the map design, and the look of the game really sets the scene. The voice acting is great too. And advanced sensitivity is great. I wonder how red steel 2 will cope with MP3C. But i can tell you one game to rival MP3C even though they are different, Battalion Wars 2.

People talk about Brawl being wiis main game...that is utter bullshit. There are so many awesome wii Nintendo games coming out...Nearly all the remakes are going to beat the classics.
I'm to busy trying to get this Wiikey >.>
I'm jealous, was supposed to pick this up today but I forgot to stop by Wal-Mart on the way to my Dad's place. (It was a 6 hour drive and I was starving)

I'll do my best to grab it tommorow!
My Walmart sold out before i got one :(
I'd get it, but Nintendo hates Australia.

Not out yet. :(
I got it; 7 hours in at 22%. That boss before your "2nd" corruption upgrade completely kicked my ass..Took me 3 tries and my hand needs to recover..So far, I'm really liking it.
Played it at PAX, LOVED it, that and Fire Emblem solidified my decision to get a Wii.
Man, when I can afford one, I'll probably buy one.

Until then, I'm still on the PS2.
yeah it looked pretty sweet
Go check out mushroom men.
I'm getting it for my Bday, which is sunday! :D