After all the release-date delays, I was afraid it might be lame. It turns out to be a ton of fun. It takes an hour or so to really get used to the controls and inventory, but it's worth the learning curve.

Two warnings for Two Worlds:

1) If you get caught breaking and entering in a town, just pay the damn fine. Trust me on this.

2) Hang onto those Grom Totems. The Groms aren't making any more of them, and sooner or later someone might want some.
After all the release-date delays, I was afraid it might be lame.

Why do you think they delay games in the first place? =) To make them, well, not lame.

Though I guess the game could be delayed several times and then the publisher forces the developer to ship it already even though it's still lame.
The only thing I don't like is that the online lags too much. Hope they patch it soon.