You Think A Gallon Of Gas Is Expensive?
This little list makes one think, and may put
things in perspective:
Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 $ 9.52 per gallon
Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 $10.00 per gallon
Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 $10.17 per gallon
Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 $10.32 per gallon
Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 $25.42 per gallon
Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 $33.60 per gallon
Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 $84.48 per gallon
Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 $123.20 per gallon
Vick's Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 $178.13 per gallon
And this is the REAL KICKER . . .
Evian water 9 oz $1.49 $21.19 per gallon!
$21.19 FOR WATER! . . . and most buyers don't even
know the source. But then again "EVIAN" spelled
backwards is "Naïve."
So, the next time you're at the pump, be glad your
car doesn't run on water, Scope, or Whiteout, or
even worse, PEPTO BISMOL or NYQUIL!!!
Just a little humor to help ease the pain of your
next trip to the pump . . .
Aug 27 2005, 1:05 pm
Americans are idiots (I'm one so you have proof):
We complain about gas costing so much, yet we buy bigger cars that take more gas. So we complain about it more. I swear, we are masicistic. |
Yeah, okay. So for those construction workers who use powerful trucks should start using a pinto or what? You do make a point with common prices though, Woodyo. But..
Foutain Soda 32 oz - $0.42 |
Hopefully you don't drink as much pepto bismol as your vehicle uses in gas.
Otherwise you have some serious issues :) |
Ye-gads! Not all americans are total idiots! Elation, you of all people should know! Remember that little blog post of yours? Not all americans drive SUV's, and as well as that, not all SUV's "guzzle" gas! Some SUV's get better gas-milage than many "regular" cars!
I'm only kidding. Note the winking smiley below my text? :p
Anyway. It's true that Americans have bigger cars. Not all of them, but their industry makes bigger ones, they buy bigger ones...ones that are less efficient, which is odd because their country is massive! But meh. Do what you want with your own oil, it's yours, right?...oh wait. |
More accurate, Popisfizzy, would be to say that SUV buyers are idiots--as 95% of them surely are. They're the ones buying low-mileage vehicles they have no idea how to properly operate. A very small percentage of the people who buy SUVs actually need them; most would be better off with either a sedan or minivan (not that minivans are much better on mileage).
Cool. Someone made an intelligent comment concerning my comment. I was just pointing out how many Americans are morons.
True. My truck gets about 22 MPG on the highway(Yes, seriously). On top of that it needs at least 92 octane fuel. I love my truck though :*( I refuse to get rid of it! REFUSE!
Americans enjoy largeness (no sexual reference intended, but if you wish to take it that way, it's up to you)... It's a sign of wealth, power, and status to have a huge vehicle, house, yard, etc... Heck, we even extend this to our food portions (I probably eat more in one meal than most non-Americans eat all day)
We're essentially greedy and spoiled... Also, most other countries are much older than the automobile, and as such, are not built to accomodate them... The streets are much narrower, the buildings closer together in the cities, etc... And so, small cars are almost a necessity... But here, we've got a LOT of room (for the most part), so we don't have the requirement of having a small vehicle... We're free to take up much more room on the road... Yes, it is rather stupid, but there are at least reasons for it... My guess is that most other humans on this planet would live just as we are, if they had the means to do so... Humans (all life in general, actually) are inherently greedy... More is better, even when it doesn't make sense intellectually... But don't get me wrong, my wife and I only have one car, and it's an average 4-door sedan... And I don't even drive it (I usually ride a bike to work, since we live only a few blocks from my workplace), so I'm not even one of the SUV owners I'm "defending"... I'm just saying that there are some fundamental reasons for it... |
(I probably eat more in one meal than most non-Americans eat all day) Hey, I wouldn't go that far.*is insulted* Europe might not be as well off as America but we're not as bad as Poland (*looks down nastily at Poland*). Yes, it is rather stupid, but there are at least reasons for it... My guess is that most other humans on this planet would live just as we are, if they had the means to do so... Humans (all life in general, actually) are inherently greedy... More is better, even when it doesn't make sense intellectually... Yeah. We're hunter gatherers, so we take what we can find. If we're surrounded by stuff we can take, we'll take it. |
Heh, I'm not trying to say that non-Americans don't have the means to eat as much as the average American, but that most of us simply are less sensible/more greedy than those from other countries/cultures... Would you go to a fast food place, and pick up a burger with 3 patties (about 3/4 pound of beef total), a 32-oz Coke, and enough french fries ("chips"?) to choke a horse?
I do... Often... And you know what? My body obviously doesn't require nealy that much fuel... And I know that, but I enjoy it, and my greed takes over, and I can't help myself... Nearly every meal I eat, I find myself overfull after I'm done... I regularly eat more than I need to... Most other cultures do not do this as far as I've been able to gather (Italians do, I believe, unless that's just But yeah, it all stems from the greed we're programmed to have... It's not even just humans, it's a fundamental trait of all life... Life requires resources to continue existence... It is a driving force of life to acquire those resources, even (often) at the expense of others... It is a failsafe in this system that life generally tries to take more than it requires... Just to make sure... Better off grabbing more than you need, than not having enough... So, we really can't be blamed... Yeah, we know better, but there are some inner drives that our intellects can't control... |
Who ever needs 20 gals of Vick's Nyquil a week must have problems. It's not the flat rate but how much we use of it.
This chart further bolsters the argument: gas prices adjusted for inflation. Pretty interesting, I thought. |