If you don't know how to make a NON ripped Naruto game Ill help you!
You fucken suck
Comments for Lord LuBui's "How to Make a Naruto Game."
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You fucken suck

You fucken suck
Demo wrote:

You fucken suck

? what the hell are you talking about, you didn't forget to take your pills again did you?
Lord LuBui wrote:
Demo wrote:

You fucken suck

? what the hell are you talking about, you didn't forget to take your pills again did you?

He's probably pissed that you didn't link to a source.

Bwgmon wrote:
Lord LuBui wrote:
Demo wrote:

You fucken suck

? what the hell are you talking about, you didn't forget to take your pills again did you?

He's probably pissed that you didn't link to a source.
LOL im not handing out source codes to naruto games to people can rip, most plp i believe rip because they dont know how to code ,this is part of it, so im just helping then with the hard things like the "Bunshin System"

And most rips start because of an untrustworthy programmer. :O The cycle continues (not saying with you, but the ripping owners too stupid to trust someone else which would distribute it even more).
GhostAnime wrote:
And most rips start because of an untrustworthy programmer. :O The cycle continues (not saying with you, but the ripping owners too stupid to trust someone else which would distribute it even more).

ya thats very true i have probs trusting my iconers for some reason and i know the plp im coding for kinda dont trust me but i pretty must trust because plp know i dont rip
What I do is just give people helping me whatever they need. If you're making icons for me, you don't need my programming. Hell, you wouldn't need anything. If you have a mapper you could just make a dummy environment with all the necessary turfs and mobs for the maps programmed in then just transfer them over to the other environment.
Demo wrote:

can u help me am war321 plz help me i want to make a naruto game plz man thank u plz leave ur emil or cell phone number plz
i would like help on the basis of making a game, i want to make a digimon game in the near future and just want to know some pointer in how to start.(u know logging in choosing character making npc, or making big characters, u know the basic. If u like to take some time in helping me i would really apreciate.)
Step 1: Don't.
Your background is awesome.

"Bandwidth Exceeded


I want to make a naruto game but i cannot code script interface map and im not a good iconer i cud use ur help thx
i want to make a gme but i dont know what to do
If any1 knows how to rip add me on
how do i make a naruto game?
This is the most fail I've ever seen in one post.

--------------BONUS SCORING--------
+Bonus fail for being a popisfizzy fan.
x2 bonus for Mrtony Post
+9001 fail bonus for 2 year old bump
Photobucket Fail
Nayx2 Bonus
Runescape Player
Multiple Rip Owner
Bad Advice

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how do u make a naruto game e-mail me at
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