Aug 18 2007, 1:46 pm (Edited on Aug 18 2007, 6:32 pm)
Super Chick Sisters is a platformer made by Peta that is basically a Mario ripoff(even though he and Luigi are in it) with Colonel Sanders of KFC as the bad guy. I saw this yesterday but I'm just now playing it. Of crouse its full of "shocking" facts about how Kentucky Fried Cruelty treats their chickens, but the game is okay so far and sorry but I love eating chicken..(KFC especially XD) Check it out and of course post yer opinion..0_0
Aug 18 2007, 2:03 pm
Man, there is nothing that bugs me more in Platform games than sliding movement. Gah. I don't care if they call it "easing," I don't slide half a foot when I stop walking, unless it's a special ice area >:(