Alright, I'll start posting these blogs on here whenever I get the time/have something to say.
Well I just recently started on the the project after a bit of brainstorming and I've finally pointed out some major problems in PMR Classic that I'll fix.
First of all, PMRC wasn't very inviting to new players. We barely had any documentation and the only thing that guided you through the maze was an occasional output.. Of course, I'm going to be taking Nintendo's approach on this one. I'll be focusing on mostly building the game on making new players stay while also giving the oldbies a reason to keep on the bandwagon.
First of all on the list of improvements will be an upgraded Help System.. Including a fully-fledged help guide and a new class of administrator called Informative Player Assistants, or IPAs as their three-letter acronym shall be called.
Another way to fix that is to fix the GM system. I've found many instances where the game has had a lack of a GM for over an hour while I am away from the computer, and this cannot happen. I will be hiring some new GMs while also re-adding Helpers(Although they're no longer temporary..) to the list of Admin Ranks.
Of course, The Maze will have alot more info as to which Pokemon are in and which ones aren't and why. (If I had a penny for EVERY time someone asked if Turtwig was in since Piplup is..)
Also, I'm going to work on a better and more user-friendly skin/interface to the game. After finally realizing that my custom interface was causing 70% of players to not be able to access the Say verb, I've taken some short classes about how to set up Anchors and now I think I have it just about right..
Of course I'm thinking you all have seen the new Logo, I posted it as the only body to that cryptic post I made a few days ago about something coming..
And if you're all wondering, yes I'm making use of Alpha Transparency, with some incredible results too! I've been looking into trying to find a way to use Alpha in moderation so it doesn't lag the whole server up like it usually does. Expect some transparency being thrown into the waterways of the continent and some proper shadows being added to its darker reaches. (I'm thinking of adding some shadows that actually move based on the time! Natural sundials are always neat.)
And so I close this extremely long post.
Next DevBlog: The Maze!
![]() Aug 15 2007, 6:49 pm