Just got logged back on, and have high speed internet. Pretty soon (like less than a month) I'll have SOME free time to joust back into BYOND for a couple months. My birthday is coming up in a couple weeks, so I thought I'd work on a small project off-line while I wait to get some free-time to jump online with you all. Anyhow, everything is going well. Recently, my fiancee and I heard our babies heartbeat, it sounded like a thunderstorm, lol. I'm excited to go to the next visit so we can find out what gender it is. Hopefully a little Branks, that can be sitting next to me watching wrestling, anime, and playing some good video games. Ha ha, that'd own. Sooooooooo... wit htaht being said, i'm logged on BYONd right now for a half hour to check up on friends and see what has changed (I see BYOND 4.0 beta is out, OoOooOo). I'm gonna have to test this out. Peace!
Yeah, you should hope for a boy. Girl=you go to jail for murdering some guy who banged your 13 year old girl.
Nice to have you back bro, wondered where you were. Kids are fun I have a daughter that's 19 months old, the terrible twos are great... lol