- Thumbnail viewer
Simply add the attribute rel="thumbnail" to any image link showing a thumbnail and you'll get the fancy javascript thumbnail viewer that you may have seen Lummox JR's recent article series, Making skins in BYOND 4.. If you set the title attribute of your link, that text will also be shown in the viewer.
You can also have this done automatically when you attach images to your post on the Add Post page.
The link's target (href) must be an image, and its content must also be an image, not text. Here's an example:
For linking very large images, it's probably best not to use the thumbnail viewer, as they will be bigger than most users' browser windows. - Embedded YouTube videos
In your blogs and hub entries, you can now embed YouTube videos. Simply find YouTube's unique identifier for the movie you want to embed, and put the text into your blog post or hub info text. The identifier comes after the equals sign in the url of a YouTube movie.
For example, the identifier for http://youtube.com/watch?v=MIMCtZ0QfW4 is MIMCtZ0QfW4. To embed it in your blog post, just add the text
This is a great way to show gameplay videos directly within your hub entries.
Two quick new features for blogs and game hub entries:
Aug 11 2007, 3:47 pm
Is it just me, or is the thumbnail viewer screwing up and putting the image on the top-left corner of the page instead of on top of the page? I'm on FireFox
Very nifty! I'll have to try them out :D
Unknown Person, same thing's happening to me. Edit: Just started working |
Unknown Person wrote:
Is it just me, or is the thumbnail viewer screwing up and putting the image on the top-left corner of the page instead of on top of the page? I'm on FireFox Clear your cache. You probably aren't getting the updated css. |
I noticed that not all videos work, but I'm thinking its because this one has a "-" in it.. (it shows up blank without the - and doesn't show up at all with it) http://youtube.com/watch?v=-t5jI70BdkE
I notice a grey rectangular box while scrolling down the youtube video. It's after I view the image. Firefox, newest version.
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
I noticed that not all videos work, but I'm thinking its because this one has a "-" in it.. Those sneaky bastards! I didn't find one with that character in it, so "-" was considered a word boundary for this purpose. Should work now. |
Ooooh. Shiny modern features! Nice.
I get the grey box as well. Firefox, Ubuntu Linux (v7.04, Feisty Fawn*). I'm inclined to blame YouTube. *Yes, that's really what it's called. Those crazy yet loveable spheniscussionists! |
I'm getting something weird.
Open the page and scroll down. Then scroll back up to the image and click it. Have that fancy new picture viewer thing load and and all that. Close it, then scroll down again. Does anyone else see the grey square inside the YouTube video picture? (Firefox, constantly updated) |
Mike H wrote:
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote: Yep, thanks. :D |
I get the gray box as well, which as cited only occurs after viewing the thumbnail. Perhaps the fancy JavaScript isn't doing as much clean-up as it should?