In concept, the game is an epic non-combat Metroid/Zelda/Chip's Challenge combination puzzle/exploration game. You explore the world, careful to avoid the many monsters that inhabit it, while searching for items that will let you progress ever further and solving puzzles along the way.
The game engine seems pretty solid at this point, and I'm working on actual content for the game now. I've got the first 2-3 sections out of probably 20 completed so far, so it'll probably take me a while. I'm not sure whether it will become easier or harder to think up puzzle ideas as more items become available for the player to work with, so we'll just have to see.
I've posted these screenshots on the forum on a few occasions, so you may have seen them before, but I'll post more if I add anything cool worth taking screenshots of.

Also, if anyone wants to be a serious play-tester for my game (I do need people to tell me if stuff is any fun or not, if puzzles are challenging, frustrating, etc...) or they think they'd be good at coming up with challenging puzzles, feel free to let me know.