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Ok you fuck, I had enough of it. Why do you keep abus banning me for NO REASON!?

Is it giving oyu ab oenr to abuse one guy cause he's a bisexual furry who made a little kid character? Is it cause I'm diffirent? Is it cause I'm not american? WHAT!?

And if it's this "most hated on RPU" bullshit, you are goddamn wrong, all you fuckign do is spread shit aroudn when you abuse to try and justify your horrible ways. You have no care for how another person feels when the get targeted abuse baning.

To anyoen wh oreads this, do not add him as an administrator, he is a corrupt chucklefuck who keeps banning me when I done nothing wrong, no rules were broken and infront of many witnesses who will admit your abuse.

Your not epic, your not awesome and your not even cool or popular, your just a troll, the type of troll that likes to make people think of actully going right over to your place and beat the living shit out of you (In my case, cut off both your hands, your younge and cut out your eyes).

This has been a warning and a message from sombody he has been targeting his trolling at for more than 2 years. >.>