Keywords: dialup, download
This is what happens when I poured 5-Hour energy onto my dialup modem...

Downloading file at over 68KB/s

Yes, my dialup which normally downloads at rates between 1.0 and 3.5 kb/s is downloading at MUCH faster speeds. It's absolutely insane.

WARNING: DO NOT pour any liquids onto modems or other electrical devices! I was trying to be creative in bringing about this interesting situation.

This is what happened when I poured it on my cable modem...
Rinkuu wrote:

Yes, I didn't even photoshop it, you can check the image yourself. (If I told you how I did it that would ruin the fun.)
Obviously you only chose the save location a long while after the download started; Firefox treated your download speed according to how much you had downloaded since you chose a location, not since you started the download. One of Firefox's major issues.
Jtgibson wrote:
Obviously you only chose the save location a long while after the download started; Firefox treated your download speed according to how much you had downloaded since you chose a location, not since you started the download. One of Firefox's major issues.

Not in my case. I was downloading this file. The first 1MB was normal, then it shot up to 30KB/s, then 50, 60, and peaked at the 68Kb shown in my picture.
lol you peak at 68, i peak at 800KBps-1.2MBps but yeah.... xD so anyways, gotta read the new post on the Iccusion Forums under Seika II, and then yell at aaiko.
Glass2: Yeah, except yours obviously isn't a dialup connection.

The fastest I've ever achieved on dialup, when I still had it, was 23 KB/s. That's still only an eighth as fast as my DSL, but that's staggeringly fast compared to the average of 3 KB/s.
Yo, jack, hows FFT going? Haven't heard any news on that in a while you giving up or what?
Lol. I'm a Cool Peoples xD